Friday, February 5, 2010

The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?

I think it´s better to see,what Muslims have to say about this.They ,at least in theory,should know what Islam is about better.And when they are abroad and in relative safety,many of them start to speak quite frankly.

Irshad Manji, a Canadian Muslim, has published a book titled ';The Trouble With Islam';. This is what she says:

“I appreciate that every faith has its share of Fundamentalists. Christians have their Evangelicals. Jews have the ultra-Orthodox. For God's sake, even Buddhists have fundamentalists. BUT ONLY IN ISLAM THE FUNDAMENTALISM IS THE MAINSTREAM”.

All is clear?The fundamentalism in Islam is THE MAINSTREAM.

As the great Ibn Warraq in his book “Why I am not a Muslim” wrote:”There are moderate people among Muslims,but Islam as a whole is not moderate”.

Muslims must acknowledge the painful fact that Muslims are the main perpetrators of terrorism.

';Our terrorist sons are an end product of our corrupted culture,'; Abdulrahman al- Rashed , general manager of the Al-Arabiya televisión, wrote in his daily column in the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper the article . It ran under the headline ';The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!'; ';Most perpetrators of suicide operations in buses, schools and

residential buildings around the world for the past 10 years have been Muslims,'; he wrote. ';Muslims will be unable to cleanse their image unless we admit the scandalous facts,rather than offer condemnations or justifications.Our terrorist sons are an end product of our corrupted culture.The picture is humiliating, painful and harsh for all of us.';

The official newspaper of the United

Emirates,newspaper “Al-Ittihad” published the article by the the Chief redactor Abdallah Rashid,who he says that the

arab world”lost the entire generation of youth,who sold their souls to the terrorist idea”.

And then the Chief Redactor of the Al-Ittihad sums up where the true roots of the islamic terrorism should be looked for.

';“The brainwashing inspired and condoned BY RELIGION is the only real reason of the arab terrorism”, points out “Al ittihad”.The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?
you know ggopir, gopri, whatever, Irshad manji is an obscure canadian writer who is a lesbian and hence has had trouble reconciling her faith with her sexuality. Most muslims and indeed also the rest of the world arent even aware of her existance so her opinions dont count with anyone.

And the other people you quote, well I feel this is v positive that at least Muslims are doing some introspection and looking deep into theri hearts and wondering why are their youth going astray. This is the KEY - they all feel the youth who are going into terrorism are going astray.

Now let me ask you, in this forum I have observed most muslims dont raise debates about religion its only you Isrealis who bring up debates of religion and insult islam. Now what does it make you??? I think some introspection is required by you guys.

In trying to conquer the beast arent you becoming the beast yourself??The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?
I wanna see how well you'll breathe when you're 6 feet under.

';I shall breath well and freely,if I know that you are at least two feet deeper.';

At least people would appreciate me enough to dig me a deeper and more proper grave. (:

';More probable, they will dig you deeper to be sure you would not be able to crawl out.';

I think I know when it's time for me to raise the white flag and admit defeat. (:

';Maybe it would be better to make peace?';

Sure, but I get the hooka (Argeelleh)

But tell Ingul not to ask the same question you do next time.
Islamic terrorism is an oxymoron.

Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from Error; whoever rejects Evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. [Surah Al Baqarah: 256]

So remind them (O Muhammad (SAW)) — you are only a one who reminds. (21) You are not a dictator over them(22) [Surah Al Ghashiya]

On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person―unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land― it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our Messengers with clear Signs, yet even after that many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. [Surah Al Maeda, 32]


jd learn to spell shariah before attempting to talk about shariah law. shariah is a different topic there is no country that follows true shariah,unnecessary laws are added to them that do not come from the Qu'ran and Sunnah.
it is completly is on thoughts of some ignorant peoples.or on bad policy,that put that bad thoughts on mind of some moslems to help thir cunning plan to destroy islam......but real islam erge people for peace love, cooperation,and helping each others
Yeah, Lehmans, Madoff, Greenspan, Goldstein, they were all Islamians, right?

Six million Patriotic American folks are fired because of these terrorists.

The China men are buying our factories for peanuts and you care for good ol' ';Israel';. Is this your way to say ';We are sorry, dude, here is some of your cash back';?

The Machine
True without a shadow of doubt.Their holy book has lots of open spaces for misinterpretations.

Islamic terrorists are some bunch of misguided muslims or people who are trying to take advantage of the flaws in the holy book.

Please watch the video Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?…
hey dude ur government is the biggest organization of terrorism in the world so u will probably find the roots there u children killers ,fighting an armless ppl cowards . Palestinians are just defending themselves *****
True. Based on The Koran, The Sunna, The Hadith and Shari'a, terrorism, spouse abuse and child-abuse are permitted.
True, they sight the Koran as justification for their actions.
only in the misuse and the exploitation of Islam:Islam is a beautiful religion
TRUE for Israel's terror. Torah, Promised Land.
True without any doubt.
True of course.

In my mind Shira law is terrorism.
What you say is ';The king is naked';.

Only kids would say truth.

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