Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true that B. Obama was raised with some radical Muslim roots?

There was an email sent by a friend that talked about the real Obama that is running for US President has some radical background.Is it true that B. Obama was raised with some radical Muslim roots?
Bob K...the Snopes site actually debunks this e-mail. His father had been a Muslim, but not radical in any sense and had become an agnostic before he even married Barak's mother. This was in 1959! He left before Barak was even 2 years old.

Obama became a Christian in the mid 1980's, more than 10 years before he ever ran for political office.

World News Daily or Mychal Massie are hardly respectable sources and why did you leave out the part of Mychal Massie's bio that states that he is a member of the conservative public policy institute National Center for Public Policy Research-Project 21.

Any researcher that has no better ability to tell the difference between facts and politically slanted propaganda should really just keep her opinion to herself.

Please...I invite all of what Snopes has to say.Is it true that B. Obama was raised with some radical Muslim roots?

and even so, why would it matter? why should someone not be able to run for president because of their religion? that is why the separation of church and state is so great... it guarantees that it doesn't matter, the president by law is forbidden from making us a theocracy.
I am not certain that Obama had radical roots but he certainly went to a Muslim school when he was young. Does he still support the Muslim faith strongly? They say that he doesn't because he is now a Christian. Who knows the true story, but it is a chance that I am not willing to take. I wouldn't vote for him, nor would I vote for Hillary. She is a flip-flopper and a user of people. Not too smart either.
He attended btht a Muslim and a Catholic school, but claims to be non-practicing in either........Mmmmmmmmm
It's false. When he was young his family moved to Indonesia and lived there for four years; he spent two years in a Catholic school, followed by two years in a public school where most of the students were Muslim.

The Sources field links to a CNN article debunking the false rumor. Send it back to the friend who sent you the initial email.
Well,his step father is also muslim and Obama was raised in Indonesia too.
No. He was raised with aliens from the planet Longuna.

Hey, ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer.
The email is a false-the #1 urban legend on It's one thing if you don't agree with policies but let's speak the truth.
Okay please understand , I haven't a clue about Obama's past so I research on the internet trying to find a reasonalbe person ---

*Can't say if I did or not *--- Does anyone know Mychal Massie a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist - it says he has worked for CNN,FOXNews, MSNBC, NBC and Comcast Cable

Obama, born in Honolulu in 1961, has not only a Muslim father, the late Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Kenya, but a Muslim step-father as well. After his first father left with Obama at age two, his mother divorced and soon remarried Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian oil manager. Obama’s first campaign book is titled, “Dreams from My Father: A story of race and inheritance.”

Barack Obama is much more appealing to blacks nationwide and thus much more formidable when you combine that with his ability to raise large contributions, his Muslim roots and education, his ability to rivet national audiences with his snake-charmer oratory skills and an appealing mien that connects well with liberal voters. Accordingly, Lord Obama could very easily morph into ';Darth Democrat.'; It should be no surprise that he is from Illinois. Illinois has a long history (from Capone to Daley) of empowering the unsavory. This unsavory comes with a smooth veneer that reverberates a thirst for power.
No, it isn't true. There's so much of that floating around the Internet, set into motion by Republicans who now claim it came from Hillary's camp, who of course deny it (and I tend to believe Dems more than Repubs these days, silly me huh?). Anyway, a quick check into his background shows the truth. He lived in Jakarta w/his Mom and Stepdad from the age of 6 to 10. While there he attended both Catholic and Muslim parochial schools, the only good education available to him there. They then moved to Hawaii, where he attended a college prep school from 5th grade to his h.s. graduation. He's a Christian who, by his own admission, did a lot of soul searching when it came to religion. He was baptized in the Christian religion, for the first time, as an adult. He attends Trinity Church of Christ with his wife and children every Sunday he is able.

It's patently ridiculous that whacked out conspiracy theorists think this guy is some kind of Radical Muslim plant who is set to win the Presidency and then stage a coup and declare jihad on the American people. They want to believe this so badly that they are willing to do anything to slander Barack Obama. He's not even my candidate of choice and I think it's outrageous. I don't know whether to think these people who love to perpetrate this b.s. are evil or just stupid - and no I'm not calling your friend names. I have no idea in what vein it was sent to you so I'm not commenting on that at all. It's just gotten so bad that it's starting to work against anyone who preaches this nonsense, which is a good thing in the end I suppose.
aren't all muslims radical?
No he is too old to be part of the Madrasa (spelling?) after they were converted to radical Islam.

2 He also attend a catholic school???

Both the better schools in their area.

I would be more fearful of his politics than his religion.

Socialism has only destroyed countries and ended freedom of speech.
it was spam, i got the same is rumored that billary sent the note out
Everyone has skeletons in their closet.. It's just like Bush raising himself with some bad business roots.

Besides how can you hold something forced upon another against them?
I don't know, I wasn't with him when he was a child.

I also don't care, and if I was him, he can just use the Dumbya method of avoiding his past.

Refuse to discuss it.

Don't admit anything.
Obama's father was from a radical fringe Muslim group, %26amp; his mother was an Atheist but had him go to a couple other religious schools. It tells all about him on snoops urbin legends. type it into the yahoo search engine %26amp; it will come up.

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