Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?

If this is so, what do the religions have in common?

What are the main diferences?Is it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?
peace leighsp,

i am a muslim so i will present the islamic perspective.

judaism, christianity and islam are called abrahamic religions because they all recognize abraham as a patriarch of religion. the qur'an informs us


Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah.

all three religions command faith in one god. the jews rejected the mission of messiah jesus (peace be upon him), while the christians elevated him to the stature of god after his death.

muslims believe in all the prophets and the scripture revealed to them. muslims believe that muhammad (peace be upon him) was the final messenger of god and that the qur'an revealed to him is the last book of guidance for mankind.

hope that helpsIs it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?
Yes. The Old testament represents the first and most basic writing for all three religions. Judaism considers it to still be the main religious writing handed down by God, though they have some slight differences in the books included. Christians believe in it as a basis that was superceded by the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus. Islam considers both the new and old testament to be valid scriptures handed down by God, but that their interpretation was corrupted by mankind over time, and the Quran was sent down as a final word. All three religions believe in the same God, and have far more in common than they have different.
'old testament' = mistranslation OF translation OF Tanakh

Tanakh = Jewish bible

Judaism is the only religion that adheres to the Tanakh, and the only religion in which people translate it accurately from the original Hebrew. The Christian OT is FULL of errors and mistranslations, and the material is organised differently as well, thus altering the context.

Judaism was the first organised faith to be monotheistic; in this respect, we can say that Christianity and Islam did derive from it.

But Christianity as we know it today is profoundly different from Judaism. Islam still has some similarities.

- This is not to imply that any faith is better or worse, they are just DIFFERENT :)
Not the OT but the Torah.

The jewish follow the Torrah.

The X'ians follow a translated and slanted version of the OT, plus the gospels of Jesus's disciples.

The Mormons follow, the OT, NT and a further expansion known as the book of Mormon.

The Islamic follow the Qu'ran, which is the torrah mixed with the NT, poetry, and new phiosophic teachings.

did I help?
Yes, all follow the Abrahamic God.

Judaism = Old Testament

Christianity = New + Old Testament

Islam = Quaran, but it has some kind of connection with the other two I don't know much about it
You ever play the telephone game as a kid?

Yea, that's what's happening here.

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