Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?

I think it´s better to see,what Muslims have to say about their religion.They ,at least in theory,should know what Islam is about better.And when they are abroad and in relative safety,many of them start to speak quite frankly.

Irshad Manji, a Canadian Muslim, has published a book titled ';The Trouble With Islam';. This is what she says:

“I appreciate that every faith has its share of Fundamentalists. Christians have their Evangelicals. Jews have the ultra-Orthodox. For God's sake, even Buddhists have fundamentalists. BUT ONLY IN ISLAM THE FUNDAMENTALISM IS THE MAINSTREAM”.

All is clear?The fundamentalism in Islam is THE MAINSTREAM.

As the great Ibn Warraq in his book “Why I am not a Muslim” wrote:”There are moderate people among Muslims,but Islam as a whole is not moderate”.

Muslims must acknowledge the painful fact that Muslims are the main perpetrators of terrorism.

';Our terrorist sons are an end product of our corrupted culture,'; Abdulrahman al- Rashed , general manager of the Al-Arabiya televisión, wrote in his daily column in the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper the article . It ran under the headline ';The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!'; ';Most perpetrators of suicide operations in buses, schools and

residential buildings around the world for the past 10 years have been Muslims,'; he wrote. ';Muslims will be unable to

cleanse their image unless we admit the scandalous facts,rather than offer condemnations or justifications.Our terrorist sons are an end product of our corrupted culture.The picture is humiliating, painful and harsh for all of us.';

The official newspaper of the United

Emirates,newspaper “Al-Ittihad” published the article by the the Chief redactor Abdallah Rashid,who he says that the

arab world”lost the entire generation of youth,who sold their souls to the terrorist idea”.

And then the Chief Redactor of the Al-Ittihad sums up where the true roots of the islamic terrorism should be looked for.

';“The brainwashing inspired and condoned BY RELIGION is the only real reason of the arab terrorism”,points out “Al ittihad”.The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?

The cause of Islamic terrorism is Islam.

Nothing outside of Islam *causes* Islamic terrorism.

Now, that is not to say that all Muslims are terrorists; of course not. But I'm still waiting to see moderate Muslims marching the streets in protest of all the violence around the world committed in the name of Islam.

Check out - you'll get a shock at how much Islamic terrorism occurs every single day.The roots of Islamic terrorism are in Islam itself.True or False?
To an extent yes.

Something to know and think about: To understand why, Islam has many parts.

Wahabi Islam. Mostly where terror occurs. It arose in the 18th century in Saudi Arabia, and would probably have remained insignificant, and considered heretical by the mainstream, but for twentieth century oil wealth. Wahabiism adopts a much more hard-line interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith, and indeed added requirements such as the covering of women and prohibition on them driving cars. The excesses of the Taliban in Afghanistan originated in Wahabiism, as does the al Quaeda terror campaign against the western world.

1.Shia and 2.Sunni strains split within a generation after the death of Mohammed, over disputes about succession. Doctrinal differences are not great, but bitterness and persecution can be extreme. (eg under Saddam Hussein in Iraq). Sufi Islam is another. More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
I believe it is true. Sorry to say it is not a religion of peace that many proclaim it is. I made the effort to read the Koran (a good translation)

And found that Mohammed himself killed six hundred Jews and committed quite a few appalling ';crimes'; and instructs his followers to do the same. It was enlightening for me to know this. I had assumed they were peaceful. I was wrong.
Please try to understand article below and arrest your prejudice and bigotry.

';Would you believe, when Faruque rang Mark after 4.30 am and explained, “religion is for one’s spiritual salvation. Should one wish to believe in something or nothing would be up to that individual. However, none of us got any right to shove anything to other’s throat. Most importantly, the Israel Palestine conflict is not a religious one. It is a conflict of land”.

Then Faruque continued to talk about suicide. He explained, “last year 2000 Australians committed suicide none of them found any virgins! According to UN figures, 80 000 farmers around the world committed suicide and they found no virgins too.

Yet when a Palestinian who knows:

1. His/her mother was killed by Israeli bombs.

2. His/her father was murdered by Israeli bullets.

3. His/her sister was violated by Israeli rapists.

4. He/she got no education, job, money, food and water and finally in desperation he/she joins in suicide attack. Would you believe no one try to understand that person. The media in general joins in a jingoism to make fun out of 72 virgins and so on.” At that point Mark terminated the call in a rude manner!';

I'd say it was Satan's invention himself, but Jews would disagree.

However, they may agree that Esau's grandson is the father of modern day terrorism. His descendants attacked Israeli women and children, but were often too cowardly to attack the Israeli army.
There have been in history many Christians who committed terrorism. Does that mean that the roots of that terrorism were in Christianity itself? Ask that question to yourself and see how stupid it is.

Edit to tambovi - RIGHT NOW most of the terrorists are islamics yes. Before that, hundreds of years ago, it was christians that were committed terrorism. Before that, it was the Romans. Just stop with your propaganda.
That's a fallacy.

Islam is a religion of peace. 'terrorism' is engendered by terrorism, Not by a specific religion.
False, obviously. There are many peaceful Muslim nations (how about Indonesia?) and millions of peaceful individuals. Fanaticism is not restricted to one religion or another.
When the crusaders entered Jerusalem they slaughtered the Muslims and Jews in great numbers, So can I conclude that Christianity is the root of terrorism? Just wonder how some people use their mind to think!
True, but it really is a matter of interpretation too of the Koran. Infidels and Jews have been targeted way before Israel was born.
Roots lie in the way the followers interpret the teachings.
False, the roots go back to worship of Baal.

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