Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why don't people realize the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS?!? the ROOTS?

It was stolen from the PAGANS and turned into a ';disneyland'; holiday. Sad to see how Christians slaughtered most people who didn't believe in their god.

You can see so much scandinavian folklore in ';christmas';. ELVES, GNOMES, ';little people';, SANTA with his red hood';.

Why don't people realize the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS?!? the ROOTS?
YAY! Crystal and swimdan!

There are many christians who know the origin of Christmas/Yule Tide, and they don't deny it.

The celebration of today is more about the spirit of giving, enjoying time with your family, celebrating in the way YOU choose to. Some goto Church, some have big elaborate feasts, some see it as another day.Why don't people realize the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS?!? the ROOTS?
There are several historical traditions that stem from December 25th. One as most mentioned is the day the pagan Romans chose to worship sol invictus (he unconquered sun god). The Romans chose this day because it was the birthday of the sun god, natalis solis invicti. This festival was marked with worship of a pagan god, however, it became characterized as a celebration with loose morality.

The Bible does not state the exact birth of Christ and many biblical scholars have come up with a number of dates in their research. One theory on why Christians chose December 25 as the day to celebrate the birth of Christ was not only that this may be a possible actual date of His birth, but also to provide a way to turn people away from celebrating the sun god and have people celebrate the birth of the true Son of God, Jesus. Basically, it was developed to have people worship Jesus instead of the sun god. This was actually done by Julius, the Bishop of Rome in the 300s.

Also, just because Christians celebrate December 25 as the birth of Christ does not make Christians pagan, nor does it make Jesus or Christianity as a whole pagan. Just because it is celebrated on the 25th does not make it pagan, it is the attitude and mindset behind the worship. That's like saying since Christians go to church and worship God on Sunday means that we really are pagans because Sunday was developed as the day dedicated to the sun god. That's ridiculous.
Um . . . some people do. Probably even most people do at this point. That doesn't mean that they don't want to celebrate something that to them is associated with happy memories and family gatherings.

I've never celebrated Christmas, so it doesn't have those associations for me.
Jesus Christ was not a pagan deity.

Nobody stole anything. Some pagan winter customs and traditions were adopted into the Christian celebration of Christmas. But the true meaning of *Christmas* has to do with the belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

I wish we could all stop arguing over who this holiday season *belongs to* and realize that we can all share it despite some differences in spiritual views.

What's wrong with all of us having a little bit of the ';Christmas Spirit'; - peace on Earth, goodwill, and all of that?
I just think that most people in the U.S adopted this ';story'; they like the idea of getting presents, and santa coming to your house at night. Most dont know the roots which sucks because it is actually the day Jesus was born which is supposed to be celebrated highly. It would be cool if peolple could raise awareness on where and how Christmas generated from.
santa came from st. nicholas who was a priest in Europe who did good things for those who needed it in the city where he lived.

while it is connected with a pagan holiday in the end we are celebrating the birth of Jesus

not santa coming down the chimney

not the new play station or the amazing deals

we are celebrating the fact that our savior has come to earth
Why do you CARE?

It matters not at all what the origins were; it is what it is now.

This atheist simply cannot bring herself to give a flying frig about it.

I like the tree, and lights, and food, and presents.

You can't STEAL a holiday, BTW. If I celebrate a holiday, that doesn't take it from you.

Get over it.
Yes Christmas is a collage of other cultures that are now hated and looked down upon by Christians. But the holiday that was stolen from is Yule, or the winter solstice celebration. Pagans didn't come up with ';Christmas';, per se.
Yes - unfortunately most Christians are ignorant about the foundations of their own religion. And they don't want to be educated. It makes me crazy this time of year.
Most people don't care about the religious aspect anyway. They just like getting presents and eating animal carcasses.
Jeremiah 10 goes against Christmas this is more proof the real foretold messiah could have not been born on Christmas.
The term is assimilated pagan celebrations. Not actually stolen.
I wouldnt say it was stolen, but surely adopted. many Christians dont know the history of their religion
And dont forget gift giving and the burning of the yule log.
I know all that, but people buy my cat new toys.

And sometimes I get socks and coffee mugs, or candy

Leave it alone.
the true reason for the season = axial tilt.

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