Friday, February 12, 2010

When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?

And hide behind a wall of their own deciption. For fear of what others may think if they reveal their true self?When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?
Wow what a weird outlook on life - you must try not to judge other people by your behavior!!!!!When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?
well first off we must under stand that we are spirt and flesh are flesh is the enimy of God it hates God when we are born aging we are givin a new spirit like christ but????????? its always at war with are flesh romans chapter 8 paul goes into great detail about this he talkes about the choice of walkin after flesh or after the spirit.
in a place like this site.

there are many pharisee..(coldhearted law abider)

GOD didn't come to judge or condmned the world.

HE came IN GRACE AND PEACE to all men.

humility is a fruit of LOVE. 1cor

many here and nationwide to worldwide.

are lacking the truth of abide in LOVE

and the word abide in you

ask/pray what ye will and it sahll be done.

john 15 sayd..I am the are the branches..abide in LOVE.truth.spirit

and ye will bear fruits.

but..if yet choose to be apart from LOVE


ye will have no prospoerty;..devil roams about like a lying destroy8ng lion seek to kill us..and send us home..not saving a soul...or robbed we don'g give..$$$ tithes plus spread the gospel aorund the world as well feed the children..elders, disablied in our nation..or elsewhere.

apart from LOVE

ye can do nothing.

folks FEAR judgement..condemnation..shame..ect.

the more LOVE a person has..

the less of this vile characteristic of satan or manhood they have.

surrender to GOD..your flaws..evil thoughts.tendency..ect..

and the word we read daily..will help PURGE this evinless out of us.

apart from the daily nightly intake of the WORD..of truth.(new testaments..teacing) the farther we slid away form god..going into darkness where satan roam to steal..hope..kill faith..and destroy our body..and finances and mairriage..ect.
I don't.

What is ';deciption';?

DO you mean ';deception';?

I do not deceive myself.

I am not evil. I am a good person.

It makes me sad that you think all people are basically evil.

That would be a horrible way to live, assuming everyone is bad.

You DID say ';evil self.'; You did NOT say ';evil desires.';
You have it all wrong. The root of human nature is not evil at all.
I tend to ask why they're afraid to admit that some people are just evil and it isn't the fault of some demon or Satan who's controlling them.

It's hard to watch people be inhumane and evil, but it's not impossible for them to do such things by their own accord...
i am evil

the concept of evil is completely alien to my ecclectic pagan spirituality. there is selfishness, but absolute evil cannot exist. the goal of the spiritual person is to progress beyond selfishness and embrace the fullness of existence. this can't be done in the presence of either absolute evil or absolute goodness.

the universe strives for equilibrium.
This is a very difficult question to answer.

To a certain extent, I don't think many people are truly ';evil.'; To be evil is something even we cannot fathom -- people may do bad things in the eyes of religion, but does that make them evil? No.

In my opinion, part of it is perception. What one person sees as good could be seen as bad, by another person. It's like food; you might like grapes, but someone else may find them disgusing. It's all in the eyes of the beholder, so to speak.

Therefore, people may not be lying, nor would they feel they are lying, because if they don't feel evil, they obviously won't present themselves as such.

However, fear of what others think certainly has an impact on how we live and act. Much of what we do is focused on what others think -- 99% of human life is a result of stereotypes and community expectance.
To the first Q......Pride is the answer.

The one at the bottom....I don't know.
Why does the Bible God lie about his evil intend!

Job 9:23 (NIV) When a scourge brings sudden death, God mocks the despair of the INNOCENT.

Job 9:17 (NIV) He* (*God) would crush me with a storm and multiply my wounds FOR NO REASON.

Proverbs 1:26-28 (NIV) I* (*God) in turn will laugh at your disaster; I WILL MOCK WHEN CALAMITY OVERTAKES YOU - when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. ';Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me.

Jeremiah 11: 14 ';Do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them, BECAUSE I WILL NOT LISTEN WHEN THEY CALL TO ME IN THE TIME OF THEIR DISTRESS.

Romans 9:11-15 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad–in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls–she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” What then shall we say? IS GOD UNJUST? NOT AT ALL!* (*Saint Paul says so… because he is telling you!) For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

Malachi 1:4 (NIV) Edom* (*Esau) may say, ';Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.'; But this is what the LORD Almighty says: ';They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, A PEOPLE ALWAYS UNDER THE WRATH OF THE LORD* (*How would you like to be one of them? No Salvation for you! God doesn’t like you for ever just for the heck of it!)

Proverbs 16:4 (NIV) The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

1 Peter 2:8 (NIV) They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.
It's so much easier to point fingers at the flaws in others than to look inside and see the flaws in ourselves. Very few people ever truly examine their hearts and souls and root out this ugliness within. They compound lie upon lie to themselves, and end up bitter and resentful of others while it is their own inner turmoil that is killing them emotionally.
Yes, it would help to define at least a little more.

You appear to be equating ';evil'; with ';true self';, and I am not sure to what extent you are referring, when you say ';reveal';, to be necessary in order to not ';lie'; about it (talk about nothing but one's evil thoughts? Be sure to act on them? Or just admit them, do whatever painful soul-searching %26amp; letting go of selfish desires that necessitates within, %26amp; move on?). I am assuming that when you say ';evil';, you mean the desire to hurt or threaten others, having no inherent regard for their (or perhaps even one's own) well-being should it ever appear to conflict with one's present pleasure, or even *requiring* their hurt for one's pleasure.

I agree that it is true that this is present in everyone. Furthermore, I know of no long-standing and resilient spiritual traditions that do not acknowledge this fact.

As for, on a personal level, lying about it vs. revealing it, yes people don't want to reveal desires to hurt others too much, because that has too much potential to backfire on them. Self-preservation comes to mind, not just about what others may think, but what others may do to them that altogether too much doesn't go along with the personal pleasure program. If a person is going to be evil, anyway, why should they stop at the truth, and leave that pivotal and very versatile tool called deception out of their evil toolbox? Not much evil would be possible without it.

And I think that may be what you are getting at, that the only way to neutralize hurtfulness is to establish a policy of honesty about it. On the other hand, there comes a point when if it becomes too much the ongoing topic, rather than something one simply acknowledges on at least a daily basis and then moves on to cultivating an honest desire to be good to one another, then hurtfulness becomes accepted and multiplies, defeating the original purpose of all that honesty, if that's what it was. And no matter how much you try to be cool about it and acknowledge everybody does it, hurtfulness still degrades and makes all experience less desirable in comparison to genuine helpfulness. Just because so many people are hypocritical about striving for goodness to one another doesn't make it not worth it to try.

I would rather suffer anything in the service of striving for helpfulness than embrace my evil side and try to make it what I'm all about. That, as well, would be a lie.
are you calling me evil?

i am not, for your information

edi: evil self, evil thought, and evil desire are very different things. maybe if you explained yourself a bit, we would get what you are saying.

and good and evil are such relative terms. what one considers good, someone else might consider it evil.

get off your high horse :)

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