Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Was CNN true to it's lib-enabling roots, by using democrat activists, not undecided voters to ask questions

The dems get a debate question from a snowman, the reps get a debate question from a strawman.

I did like the fumble it caused however, I don't like Romney, and Huckabee's non answer. Hunter seemed to provide an ok stance on this issue, but seems to be a closet homophobe. I do think it's a complete side issue to the problems facing us, and not worthy of being debated in the small amount of time alloted.

EDIT: Samantha, it's not a tough question, its a side/wedge issue, designed to fumble candidates talking about more important things like war, immigration, fiscal policy, etc. The Military has just as many if not more heterosexual problems, and is a volunteer force. No one is forcing anyone to go into it. They do the tough jobs, not the people in Washington.


Keith Kerr, retired Colonel., U.S. Army; retired Brigadier General, California National Reserve, who submitted a YouTube question about gays in the military, is actually a member of Hillary Clinton鈥檚 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual Americans For Hillary Steering Committee. He鈥檚 also part of a film production crew trying overturn the ';Don鈥檛 Ask, Don鈥檛 Tell'; policy.

EDIT2: About HillaryPlant, I thought it was cute after the 3 or 4 ';cute'; plant stories about her. I don't know if I came up with it, but it's only seems to be used on 2 search results by Google, dated around the time I wrote it, feel free to use it :)

In case you missed what everyone is talking about,鈥?/a>Was CNN true to it's lib-enabling roots, by using democrat activists, not undecided voters to ask questions
So only Republicans can ask Republican canidates questions? That would be a pretty boring debate.Was CNN true to it's lib-enabling roots, by using democrat activists, not undecided voters to ask questions
They apparently missed the memo that only Republicans are allowed to ask questions of Republicans
And to boot they say that they didn't know...hmmm a Democratic Steering Committee Chair, associated with the Clinton Campaign... That a simple goggle search would show...oh yes and Utube is owned by goggle.. and they complain about FOX.
Just the standard. Republicans get asked tough questions, Democrats get asked if they like diamonds or pearls.

And the highly educated lib supporters will never discover the parallel.
Yes. They were true to form for helping to put over a hoax - that this person was ';just an ordinary citizen'; rather than a Clinton campaign operative.

Or, if they didn't know, then they have demonstrated fundamental incompetence as reporters - people who are supposed to FIND OUT things.

Either way, CNN is a waste. When the only explanation is either total ignorance or biased dishonesty you know the situation is bad.
CNN is no friend of liberty, freedom of speech and just plain

good traditional values. They are completely nuts.

I Cr 13;8a
Who cares? Did it change anything for you?
Now, now, did you think up those Republican talking points by yourself, or did you have help?

Why are you Republicans whining about getting real questions? They can't all be easy softballs. Stupid sounding answers are the fault of the answerer, not the fault of the questioner. If your guy sounds like an idiot, then don't vote for him. Don't go whining to us about people asking tough questions.
I don't think anyone is really surprised. Let's get real, everyone knew ahead of time what it would be like if they agreed to this debate.

While I think our guys did ok, it still is a joke. Unfortunately, the joke is on the truely undecided voter. There are plenty of people who really believe that conservatives are actually like some of the folks asking the questions.

One friend of mine asked why it should matter if one of the questions was from a person working on a Clinton steering comm. since the q needed to be asked. WHAT? Since when is this a conservative party platform q? This is not to see who dems would vote for but to help Rep decide who to vote for.


The dem debates are to help people who are registered as dems to decide who they want to run for president. The dem candidate is suppose to represent the dem platform, not the republican platform. Same with us. This is a PRIMARY debate, not the debates so we can decide President as a nation.
what a joke CNN is...their true colors came out last night.
there is no such thing as a 'democrat' activist.

the party's name is the democratic party.

or shall we start calling the republican party the republic party?
I guess they thought cons could handle some liberals' questions. Clearly, they were wrong.
Well, look how evenhanded CNN is behaving with these 鈥榙ebates鈥?

For the Democratic 鈥榙ebate鈥?they had Democratic activists planted in the audience posing as 鈥榰ndecided voters鈥?br>

For the Republican 鈥榙ebate鈥?they had Democratic activists planted in the audience posing as 鈥榰ndecided voters鈥?br>

Is that equal treatment, or what?
There is a difference in a question asked by a Democrat and a question asked by a Democrat that works on a steering commitee for Hillary.

Even so the canidates handled it very well.

Democrat canidates still don't want to reach all of America. If so, they would go on FOX NEWS and debate.

Also Keith Kerr, had been on CNN 4 yrs ago. the problem is Anderson Cooper and CNN said that they didn't know who he was until after the debate. That's false information from a News organization.
It was CNN what did you expect?
Yeah, they asked questions no Republican would ask or answer! That's unfair to voters who want to be kept in the dark.
Yes, they were. NO ONE can deny their liberal bias at this point.

I suppose that's okay though because their listeners want to hear nothing but, and moral fiber has no value to them.
they did the same thing with the democratic debate you idiot...

that's what makes it valid...

how do you debate if everyone agrees ?!

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