Sunday, February 7, 2010

Did the movie ROOTS unfairly represent true Americans?

I watched ROOTS, it was a requirement for my daughter to do for some liberal school project. Has anyone ever seen this movie? It unfairly represents white people of that time. Plantation owners never whipped blacks and they sure never sexually abused the black women. Blacks were share croppers like any other person working for a living during that time. It was incorrectly called slavery.Did the movie ROOTS unfairly represent true Americans?
ROOTS was an accurate depiction of the time and places, the portrayals and experiences.Did the movie ROOTS unfairly represent true Americans?
It didn't make all white men out as evil. And it didn't create hostility. Its an accurate discription completely. The slaves wrote about it. The whippings, the sexual assualt all happened. As someone said, some were nicer than others, but slaves were property. You could do whatever you wanted. It was southern america. thats how slaves were treated. Theres historical evidence for it. Maybe your grandfather was with a nicer plantation. Plantation owners could do what ever they wanted. They could kill them. The rape happened if the owner wanted a new slave for free, or just wanted to have sex. It was property
I agree that I don't think there was sexual assault, because since most white men thought blacks were less than them, I doubt they would have sex with them (rape OR not). I also think that they portrayed the plantation owners to be a little harsher than they really were, even about the beatings.

However, I do agree that they were slaves who got whipped. That part only makes sense. Plus there is historical evidence of whippings, but not anything about raping.
Some plantation owners were kinder than others. But if you think slaves (that is the correct term) were never whipped or that the female slaves were never sexually abused, you are grossly misinformed.

The whipping of slaves is well-documented. Thomas Jefferson had an affair with a black slave named Sally Hemings and fathered at least one child. Modern DNA tests have confirmed this.
I would go along with Rookgaroo here. Yes there would have been some owners who did look after their slaves same as there would have been others who didn't. To say that it never went on is living in a fool's paradise.

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