Friday, February 12, 2010

True or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?

the lack of money is the root of all evilTrue or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?
True. Look at this world. Its full of greedy people out for the almighty dollar. Our goverment taxes us for this and that. Tennessee just recently started the lottery up and its suppose to help schools. Well why is it each year you here them saying they need money. I know in Virginia it doesn't go just for schools. Only in your bigger cities is the schools helped. You pay taxes on property you own, your car is taxed every year.True or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?
False. It is: ';The LOVE of money is the root of all evil'; One word makes a Big difference, doesn't it ?
. Timothy 6:10 '; For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced them selves through with many sorrows ';. Timothy 6:9 '; But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition ';.
False, of course. There was evil long before money was invented.

It is the love of money that is the root of all evil.

By loving money, you can be rich or poor, it doesn't matter.

By loving money, you place it above all other things,

False. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
What is in the bible is ';the love of money';not money itself.Personally,I think envy is the cause of most suffering
It appears to be that way in Washington but the bible says the love of it!
False! Pride is.
Being a clever Mathematician I should be able to prove this mathematically just a second while I think of a proof:

Ok here we go:

1. It is clear that Teletubbies are the product of Time and Money. It took both time and Money to produce them.

So we have:

Teletubbies = Time x Money.

But Time Is Money鈥?/a>

Time = Money

So therefore

Teletubbies = Money x Money.

But we have according to Jerry Falwell that Teletubbies are evil so

Teletubbies = Evil so

Evil = Money x Money

So Taking the Square Root of both sides we get

Money = Square Root ( Evil )
money is what it has always been, even with relation to evil: currency!

people are the root of all evil, not money, although money is the medium for evil things more often than not
False! Money is an object it holds no emotion. Greed is the root of all evil.
Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, is what it says.

The reason being, some people will kill, cheat, lie, steal, assault, all for money, from the guy on the street, to the stock market businessman in a suit.
does money using you? no.

You are using money.

Why put the blame on money?
Actually, symbolically speaking, the root of the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil is the 'one' you speak of! Seriously, The answer is false. Pedophiles don't have money on their minds when... That's only one example. is not root of all evil.root of evil is the mind which thinks the wrong way.
For me the #1 Root of All Evil is when people fail to accept each other for their own personal beliefs and for being different.

Money is the second Root of All Evil. Too many people focus on thinking that if they have a lot of money, then they will be happy. Sure, its nice to have financial security, but true happiness is when you learn to love and respect yourself, and you can spread that happiness to others in your life.

The saying came in, because, it is mostly the

people with money, who can buy power are found

to engage in evil deed.

There are handful of people who use their money

for the benefit of others.

So there is no clear cut yes or no.
This is the verse, and it states the 'why':

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

If it wasn't for money, where would porn be?And people who are hit men. And people who steal from banks, and people who marry for it?
Evil is a point of view.
Money doesn't make a person evil, the person chooses to do that on their own.

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