Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

Actually there is a whole branch of mathematics (called complex mathematics) that is based on the roots of minus numbers.

The square root of -1 is taken to be i and the rest follows. Thus the square root of -43 would be 6.56i etc.

If you want to learn more about complex numbers look at:鈥?/a>

Although complex numbers may be hard to understand as a physical quantity they have a wide range of applications (eg in a/c electricity).Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

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Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?
u can get the square root of a negative number. teh square root of -1 is the imaginary number i. imaginary numbers are as real as 1, 2,3 etc
In real life, square root of negative number makes no sense (has no meaning). For example, you cannot have a square with a negative area.

But anyway, we can get a square-root of a negative number. It is defined in complex number set, that square root of -1 is an imaginary unit i. And therefore square root of -43 is approx. 卤6.56*i
actually we call square root from A some positive number whic gives in result A if we multiply it on itself. but theres more definition for square root. if we r talkin about complex numbers then yeah every complex number has 2 square roots but they r coplex numbers too. in case of -43 its roots are equal to each other and its sqrt(43)*i

i can tell u how we get square root form copmlex numbers but im a bit lazy :D
it would be a complex number.

sqrt(-1) = i

sqrt(-43) = sqrt(43) * i
You can use complex numbers. Take 鈭?-43) for example.

By definition: 铆 is called iota.

铆 = 鈭?-1)

So -43 becomes:

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 鈭?-1)

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574... * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574..铆
It is possible to get a square root of a number. (In higher studies). The square root of a negative number is called a complex number, it is denoted as i.

The square root of -1 = i

e.g the square root of -43 = 43i

You can read up on this in mathematical books
Only with Complex Numbers can you have a negative SQRT.
yes because all squares of minus numbers are positive numbers...

-1 times -1 is 1.
It really depends on how complicated you want to make things or on how much maths you have done.

The simple answer is no - you cannot take the square root of a negative number as there is no number which when sqared would give a negative number [two negative numbers multiplied together give a positive answer, and two positive numbers multiplied together give a postive answer]

If you do a lot of Mathematics however you will come across Complex Numbers. 'i' is a complex number and is the square root of -1. Using this it is then possible to find the square root of negative numbers.

Lets look at the sqaure root of -43

That would be [root](-1)(43)

Which would be {[root]43}i

Hope that helps
Yup - what number could you square to get a negative?
yes it is true

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