Friday, February 12, 2010

Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?

Okay well my five year old fell about a week ago and busted her lip. We thought all was well until her front tooth started to become dark. I took her into her dentist and was told that after looking at the x-rays that her tooth was broken at the root. This is what was causing the discoloration. that being said they informed me that most likely she will need a root canal on her front BABY tooth. When I asked if it could just be pulled I was told no due to nerves. They want to see her again in 2 weeks to take some more x-rays then refer her out to their specialist. I just wanted to know if anyone has gone thru this. I already plan on taking her to another dentist!! thanks a tonDentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
Baby teeth do not have deep roots, or well, roots at all.. I really wouldn't bother with a root canal, its sorta pointless..Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
Baby teeth do have roots- once the adult teeth start to come in, they push the other teeth out, dissolving the baby roots.

I'd listen to the specialist if I were you- their expertise could tell whether it's really necessary. If it causes any problems/pain then it's probably a good idea since a 5 year old has a good few years before the adult teeth come in, but only a professional can tell you for sure.
I actually lost my top two front teeth when I was 5... so Idk how it'd be worth it to get a root canal on a tooth that might just fall out anyway.

Call other dentists and see what they think about giving root canals to a 5 year old's baby tooth...
yeah definately take her to a different dentist that could be the problem on the discoloration too though and some people that young have had it happened and theres not a reason they cant pull it really i dont think but if it is broken to the root and the other dentist says it also then the root canal may be the best thing to help her
The dentist MAY be right. That happened to a friend of mine and they got her a gold crown on a back baby tooth. There really must be a reason they cannot pull it. I still find it hard to believe though...
Well your dentist is somewhat confusing I'm a D.A (Dental Assistant) and been working in the feild for a long time. When you get a root canal it means your teeth/tooth has a deep infection inside the root canal and therefore the dr does a root canal to remove the infection and (the infection will cause you pain,) that way the pain can stop due from the infection but since your child has a baby tooth its best if it gets pulled because thats the primary dentition( baby teeth) and also you said its changing colors so that might be another sign theres no point to get a crown if the tooth is going to shed and ur child will get thier adult teeth. and they will shed and she/he will get her permante( adult teeth) plus baby teeth are not as strong and doesnt have a stable root anyway. so i say go to another dentist and have he/she take a look at it.
that is what happend to me if you want t waste 500 dollers for one go but when i had a gray tooth i fell when i was 5 and it turned gray but my mom told me that when im old i will loose that tooth and then have a new white one. it wont hurt him to have a gray toothe. its all good i never had been made fun of becouse of it i lost that tooth now and now it okay so dont waste the money tell him he looks good like that becouse you should love him no matter what :)

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