Friday, February 12, 2010

Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?


Now to argue, humans created religion. But even if we had never created religion, we would still fight wars and condemn other people to death for being different.Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?
Yes. Although it's overused, Adam and Eve did begin the trend of evil that is now overflowing our world. Because they disobeyed God(their Creator!), they began sin and from there, it just erupted. I don't think anyone can truthfully say that religion is the root cause of all evil, especially since it's only a word for what someone believes in. That word is used far too often in the negative sense and is also used too much in a general way. ';He's so religious';, etc.Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?
';For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.';

The love of money is the root of all evil ... greed, coveting others.

But to get a large number of people doing evil together on a vast scale, religion serves better than anything else ever tried. Nationalism comes a close second, but religion wins.

Root cause of evil is pride, intolerant and self proclaim righteousness.
Religion is sometimes used to justify heinous acts.
The Bible says that ';the love of money'; is the root of all evil.

Think ';Greed.';
evil is just a point of view, but humans created religion

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