Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that Catholicism has its roots in pageantry?


It did, however incorporate a bit of paganism in to make it more appealing to pagans. Christmas is near the Winter Solstice, Easter is near the Spring Equinox. Kind of like how churches used to take drinking songs and change the lyrics to Christian lyrics. They were taking what the people knew (to attract them) and adapting it to fit their purpose.Is it true that Catholicism has its roots in pageantry?
All of Christianity has it roots in paganism (not pageantry) since there was only One Church for hundreds of years - and it was the Catholic church. Early Christianity took much of its symbols and rituals from the converted pagans that became their congregations. Even St. Luke who wrote the Gospel of Luke was a converted pagan and used a lot of pagan imagery in his Gospel. Get used to it! It is historical fact! The Church is an amalgamation of both pagan and Jewish beliefs that got molded together to form what is now the most powerful religion in the world.Is it true that Catholicism has its roots in pageantry?
Pageantry or paganism.

If it's the first - not as far as I know.

If it's the second, yes there are definite links between paganism and Judeo-Christianism. In the early times of the religion, it had to be one that appealed to the masses to survive. I say Judeo-Christianism because that is what the religion was considered during the transition from Judaism to Christianity and this time period is when they adapted some pagan rituals and holidays into their repertoires.

Need examples - All Hallows Eve turned into All Saints Day: still a celebration of the honored dead.

Easter falls on the same day as Pagan celebration of the planting season and fertility.
Yes. The Catholic church left the church around 500 AD or so. As time went on, they kept adding to it so as to include the pagan religions around. Dagon, the fish god, was honored with a day of fish as well as the robe worn by the pope. You can recognize the open fish mouth of the hats worn. Candles are worshiping of the sun god. Obelisk are in front of Saint Peter's cathedral and Peter himself, the statue is really another god.
Catholicism has its roots in the Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ and his twelve Apostles and disciples. Catholics also are big on tradition and questions answered by saints and doctors of the church long ago.

The Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches have more rituals than most Protestant Churches do. They also have more than one minister attend the worship services and therefore in a sense Catholics have a little more pageantry than Protestants.

Catholicism has it's roots in early Christianity which was set up by Jesus' disciples.

Catholicism has incorporated a lot of traditions over the years, many of which came from the pagan religions that the converts used to worship.
The whole Christian religion is nothing more than just molded Pagan beliefs patched up together for the purpose of unifying Ancient Rome under one religion.

Jesus Christ as a historical ';son of God'; never existed. He was a composite character consisting of many previous life-death-resurrection Pagan deities.
You can find connections in almost any religion. Many catholic beliefs and customs come from predating religions such as pageantry. For example the halo around an angel's head comes from the ring around the head of the sun god in pagan belief.
The roots are in Judaism, but when the Roman Empire was trying to unite their empire, they adopted some pagan elements so that they could say stuff like ';What do you mean, the feast of the gods? That's when Jesus was born!!!';
Yes. Jesus is big on white robes, and he used to have quite a lot of angelic models for the latest, heavenly fashions.

Unfortunately, most of the models kept getting high, and got kicked out of Heaven.
Yes, the Miss America pageant contestants put on evening gowns and planted a tree in the Vatican garden.
a simple YES . and since this church is the mother of all xian churches that means their roots are set deep in pageantry too. HO HO HO !
Pageantry? Yeah, we're a bunch of beauty queens.
Quite obviously it has its roots a bit distant from you, mate.
Do you mean paganism?
No it all started with Christianity then it went down hill from there

study on it.
Of course it does, they all do.
I WISH! lol. Then i could respect it more.

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