Friday, February 5, 2010

Is It true about Atlanta girls burn candles to put roots on men?

Hi my husband has been acting really weird lately. We have had some serious problems going on for about three months. Alot of them involves him cheating,I was talking to an old lady about my husband she said he might have roots on him. Is that known to happen in Atlanta?Is It true about Atlanta girls burn candles to put roots on men?
Yeah, I've heard of it, but not in Atlanta. It's done in Louisiana, but you have to remember too that A LOT of Louisianians were displaced by Hurricane Katrina to Atlanta! Some women do put roots on a man. What they do is boil different roots and have the man drink it and it's supposed to draw them to the woman. BUT, there are things you can do to ward off the roots too. Burning incense, spraying his cologne on him AND you, wearing a necklace type thing around his neck (the old ladies said it was herbs, garlic, etc). You might want to look it up or ask the old lady about it and how to remove it. And I betcha a dollar she's from Louisiana. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Is It true about Atlanta girls burn candles to put roots on men?
What do you mean by 'he might have ROOTS on him?'; I've never heard that expression.............. Actually .. what does the WHOLE TITLE mean? ';Is it true about Atlanta girls burn candles to put roots on men?'; Seriously --- I have NO idea what you are asking? I'd be glad to try to help you out if you could tell me what you're talking about...
What in the world is wrong with you?! Are you serious? If your husband is cheating on you, you guys need professional counseling. Not this hibbie jibee jumbo stuff. Come on...
This is a funny question. But there are cultures that do which craft but I dont think that is just specific to atlanta

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