Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who has seen this beautiful portrait of Joshu (Jesus) Why then.. has The Church lost His true Jewish roots?鈥?/a>

From Oahspe

This portrait ws given direct from the heavenly angels when The Oahspe was given a guide for the true way

for those whose spirit is awakened..

And at this time of the transformation of the earth to a fully service to others only planet

As you may know Joshu was married , had 5 or 6 children mainly girls and was Head Rabbi of a Fathist Jewish Community (the disciples).

He came to promote the golden rule love others as you would yourself.Who has seen this beautiful portrait of Joshu (Jesus) Why then.. has The Church lost His true Jewish roots?
Most feel the He (Jesus/Yeshua) freed us from Jewish Customs. Peter %26amp; Paul wrote alot about this topic. But make no mistake He was Jewish and followed the Jewish law to the T.

The other stuff is wrong about Him.Who has seen this beautiful portrait of Joshu (Jesus) Why then.. has The Church lost His true Jewish roots?
Everything you have said is true. Except you are talking about a Joshua who wasn't even living at the time of Jesus. The confusion is understandable.

Biblical scholars don't claim the Golden Rule was unique to Jesus. Nor did Jesus.

The error on identifying the correct Joshua (or Jeshua) probably arises from the fact the the Oahspe was the product of a drug addicted 19th century dentist. Some argue drugs can induce spiritual epiphanies. Few would argue that they are an aid to accurate research. The best date I have heard for your Joshua places his birth at around 92 A. D. Apparently the Angels who delivered the Oahspe were unaware of that.

By the way, the Oahspe was delivered to the dentist by a process known as ';automatic writing';. It was commonly used by mediums in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

I had heard there were still a few Oahspens left. I just am surprised to hear from one. Welcome. But be warned about the atheists here. When they learn about the 1977 excavation of your Joshua's religious community and the time line revealed there, they'll tear you to pieces.
You are full of it Church means Eklessia ( called out of Christ.) Jews never were the root of Christ. they were the root of Religion. Old Covenant -New covenant.
Whatever, dude.

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