Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that envy is one of the main roots of ambition?

Is it true that envy is one of the main roots of ambition and without ambition nothing of any real importance would ever get done? Why?Is it true that envy is one of the main roots of ambition?
No.Is it true that envy is one of the main roots of ambition?
there is nothing wrong with being ambitious if your doing it for the right reasons
no and yes to question 2

i'd say greed and Christian motivation ( Buffet and Gates)
Yes. It's like someone who does something out of fear of punishment vs. someone who does something for reward. People can be motivated to succeed because they want to do their best and they are good at what they do or they want to do better than others because they want to have more, and have what the other has.
No. I think ambition is made up of a lack of fulfillment, curiosity and knowledge.

Ok, I sometimes have a hard time getting out what I am trying to say, so I am going to elaborate on this. I say ambition is made up of a lack of fulfillment, simply because, if you were not missing something from your life or had all of a certain thing you needed, you most likely wouldn't try to get it. People who manage businesses come home and let their spouse run the household. They control every aspect of a business for 40-50 hours a week. They've had enough of feeling dominate, that need is fulfilled. Now they want to come home and play number 2. Part of ambition is lack of fulfillment.

Curiosity, which a lot people have to stop relating to five year old children, when used here is the equivelant of having an interest. If you do not have a general interest in something it is very hard to excel in it. I'm not saying its impossible, it just very hard. But curiosity or intrest plays apart in ambition.

Knowledge is apart of ambition because without it you are just very eager. If you don't know how to act on the things you wish to achieve your always going to be dreaming.

So a young man decides one day that he wants to own a business. He is tired of working for someone else and thinks he can do a better job then his boss. So he looks around town and notices how far away the nearest sporting goods store is. He knows enough about this and that and decides it will be profitable to own one. Here is a man with an ambition to own his own business.

Now if you were trying to refer to the ambition to why he strives to be the best sporting goods store in the country theres a different explaination.

The first 3 months are shakey but at the end of the year the numbers come in and he has made a huge profit. Now he decides he needs to upgrade the store and such. After one more year he expands and etc...Now neither greed, reward,or envy is apart of ambition, although they are great reasons to keep his ambitions, old and new, going.
yes, if you envy a persons money, you work to get more. since u had the ambition to get more money, more work got done than before.
There are those who are ambitious for the wrong reasons like in a malicious way to get even with someone, or to have people envious of them as you say, or even to please their parents. You're right about the second part, that without ambition nothing of any importance would ever get done. Without ambition, or motiviation, no one would expend the effort to try anything new. Ambition is healthy and important for everyone but for different reasons. A young person may dream of a career and work hard to achieve it because he wants it for his own sake. That's healthy. There will always be competition but if you compete to just to do better than others, you are in effect making them the master of your career. If you compete against yourself (as in constantly trying to improve your prior performance) then your achievements will be yours.
depend s on who your talking about

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