Friday, February 5, 2010

Is the grande Ole party showing it's true roots tonight?

Could it be logically thinking finally?Is the grande Ole party showing it's true roots tonight?
They are showing that despite what the radio and television pundits say, that they have to get their collective shvt together in order to put a candidate up capable of beating the democrats. The democrats failed twice to do that against Bush and took two bitter loses. We as a party either decide that we put up a viable candidate or just concede the election to the liberal left and take the pain that comes with that. McCain is our ONLY hope in winning. Both Clinton and Obama have garnered more votes than any republican, they are getting the vote out and the democrats are excited. We had better pull it together behind McCain or we are going to be in for 8 long years of democrats tax and spend.Is the grande Ole party showing it's true roots tonight?
Not possible. It's roots are anti-slavery, anti-corporate, environmentalists. It hasn't been that since Teddy Roosevelt. Now they are pro-corporate, pro-wage slavery, and anti-environmentalists.
I'm not sure if nominating a candidate who has fought or ignored his party forever has anything to do with true roots. I don't think failing to secure the borders would sit well with Gen/Pres Grant (civil war) or the Bull Moose Party of Teddy Roosevelt who stormed San Juan Hill. I don't think a $3 TRILLION Federal budget with a $500-900 Billion defecit would sit well with our Founding Fathers, not to mention Ben Franklin.

And still I hear no mention among candidates or debate questions regarding individual rights and how they are to be restored. I'm quite sure Communist Health Care has nothing to do with the True Roots of the Grand Old Party, which used to advocate less government intrusion into the lives of The Sovereign Citizenry.
oh sure. lets see.

McCain-Fiengold. McCain-Liberman, Voted against marriage amendment, Voted against repealing the death tax. willing to sign US soverigienty to the UN for the sake of global warming.

thats right. the ';Reganite foot soilder';

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