Friday, February 5, 2010

If the Republican party returned to its' true roots, less taxation, fiscal responsibility, smaller government

and less government intrusion into people's personal lives, would that help the party?If the Republican party returned to its' true roots, less taxation, fiscal responsibility, smaller government
The Republican Party has never really meant it when they talk about less intrusion into people's personal lives-- they still want to control people's behavior in the bedroom, preach what religious doctrines we should have, and prevent us from using recreational drugs that are less harmful than alcohol. They have profited from their pseudolibertarian talk, but you can't fool the American people forever.If the Republican party returned to its' true roots, less taxation, fiscal responsibility, smaller government
Yes, but how can Republicans promote fiscal responsibility and smaller government if they need to increase defense spending all the time? Defense is the largest part of the budget by far and has a huge bureaucracy.
Yes yes it would.I would even vote Republican then.
That might help. I think the problems right now run deeper than that.
Alex B asked a similar question earlier... I think it would. If you look at the majority of newly elected democrats they are much more moderate rather than extreme liberals. This country does not want liberal leadership, they just voted against Bush.
Yes, but only if it includes them not being so stuck on power. I believe that's what lost them the election - that the GOP would do ANYTHING to remain in power, regardless of how corrupt it may be.
It probably would make it the majority party since the Democratic party is not very strong on any issue except poverty.
It certainly would. And if they would eschew lobbyist money, they could project a better image
It might in general, but there are exceptions. For example, their Medicare bill, though a classic case of big government, was overwhelmingly popular. It would have hurt the party not to pass it.

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