Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hair Question: Is it true that your meant to put shampoo in your roots/scalp and the conditioner on your ends?

Yes, thats true.

You should only put the shampoo on your roots, and massage it in.

When you rinse out your hair, it will get to the ends and lengths of your hair.

You also should only put the conditioner on your ends.

These both are because your roots and scalp gets oily much faster and easier than your ends.

So you wouldn't want to put a lot of conditioner on your roots because then it would make it greasier, and if you put shampoo on your ends it could dry them out even more.Hair Question: Is it true that your meant to put shampoo in your roots/scalp and the conditioner on your ends?
Depends on how oily or dry your scalp is and how healthy or fried your ends are. Shampoo/Conditioners can be ';Spot-Treated'; depending on the condition of your scalp, if that's the issue but it won't hurt if shampoo gets to your ends or conditioner gets to your roots.

If your hair is all over healthy or all over damaged, then it's ok to FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BOTTLE.

If anything, my advice would be, if your scalp feels oily, then you shouldn't be using that shampoo OR conditioner, you should go for a different line. As well as if your ends are feeling dry and fried.

Hope this helps.Hair Question: Is it true that your meant to put shampoo in your roots/scalp and the conditioner on your ends?
It is your scalp that you want to keep healthy, that's where healthy hair begins %26amp; ends. Deep conditioning does this %26amp; is excellent for all your hair. If you abuse your hair with a blow dryer, you will have problems. This is by far the # 1 reason for dry and split hair. I have not used a dryer for many years and do not have a problem with my hair at all. We shampoo our hair mostly to get the weekly smells out of it and any layered sprays, gels and mouse, and is recommended washing it 2-3 times a week but only if it is needed. I do mine once. When you use a harsh and cheap shampoo, you will dry your scalp and hair out and it's better to use a mild healthy one with little to no perfume in it. The hairdresser is the best place to get these both. 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioners are not recommended, and will never do the same job as using them separately. Do not use your nails when cleaning the scalp, only fingertips and do this gently as in massaging which stimulates growth. Contrary to popular belief, split ends can not be fixed with any thing one buys. All beautiful hair comes from the scalp and a healthy body, no more and no less. I trim my hair (very minimally) once a month and don't have a problem with split ends whatsoever. Treat your hair as you would treat the rest of your body. Gently...... P.S. harsh and unhealthy shampoos can cause itching, eczema and dryness, hence unhealthy hair from the start.
Yes, because you need to rub shampoo into the scalp so that the roots get a breathing space and rubbing increases blood circulation along with the water so you need to apply shampoo into the scalp.Conditioner on the ends so as to avoid split ends and dry hair.

Because your supposed to clean your scalp and get rid of the dirt. And your supposed to onyl put conditioner on your ends because if you do it all over your hair it will make it loose and fall out.

-Lay Lays :)
Put shampoo and conditioner all over your hair - so i dont think its true!
I think so, yeah.

it works more effectively that way.

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