Friday, February 12, 2010

TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?


Check with the Pythagorean theorem:

6虏 + 4虏 = (鈭?2)虏TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?
You're blocked, ingrate. Mine was right and mine was first.

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TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?
One way to find out is to use the Cosine law.

Since in a right triangle, the 90 degree angle is the largest of the 3, we expect the side with length sqrt(52) to be the one opposite to the 90 degree angle.

Cosine Law:

a虏 = b虏 + c虏 - 2bc Cos(A)

A = angle opposite side a

Let a = 鈭?2; b = 6, c = 4

If Cos(A) = 0, then A = 90

Cos(A) = (a虏 - b虏 - c虏)/(-2bc)

Cos(A) = (52 - 36 - 16)/(-2(6)(4))

Cos(A) = (52 - 52)/(-42) = 0

Therefore A = 90 and thus making this a right triangle! %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

The law of cosines generalizes the Pythagorean theorem, which holds only in right triangles: if the angle A is a right angle (of measure 90掳 or PI/2 radians), then cos(PI/2) = 0, and thus the law of cosines reduces to the Pythagorean theorem.

It satisfies the pythagorean theorem, which only right triangles can do: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 (36 + 16 = 52)


base^2 +perpendicular^2=hypotenuse^2

here 6x6+4x4=36+16=52

sqrt of 52 is the length of hyp
6^2 + 4^2 = 36 + 16 = 52 = square of the 3rd side

so the triangle is a right-angled triangle
fasle: 6 squared plus 4 squared is not equal to 52(square root of 52 squared)
36+ 16 = 52

52 = 52


a^2 + b^2 = c^2

6^2 + 4^2 = (sqr root 52)^2
um... true?

Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

Actually there is a whole branch of mathematics (called complex mathematics) that is based on the roots of minus numbers.

The square root of -1 is taken to be i and the rest follows. Thus the square root of -43 would be 6.56i etc.

If you want to learn more about complex numbers look at:鈥?/a>

Although complex numbers may be hard to understand as a physical quantity they have a wide range of applications (eg in a/c electricity).Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

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Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?
u can get the square root of a negative number. teh square root of -1 is the imaginary number i. imaginary numbers are as real as 1, 2,3 etc
In real life, square root of negative number makes no sense (has no meaning). For example, you cannot have a square with a negative area.

But anyway, we can get a square-root of a negative number. It is defined in complex number set, that square root of -1 is an imaginary unit i. And therefore square root of -43 is approx. 卤6.56*i
actually we call square root from A some positive number whic gives in result A if we multiply it on itself. but theres more definition for square root. if we r talkin about complex numbers then yeah every complex number has 2 square roots but they r coplex numbers too. in case of -43 its roots are equal to each other and its sqrt(43)*i

i can tell u how we get square root form copmlex numbers but im a bit lazy :D
it would be a complex number.

sqrt(-1) = i

sqrt(-43) = sqrt(43) * i
You can use complex numbers. Take 鈭?-43) for example.

By definition: 铆 is called iota.

铆 = 鈭?-1)

So -43 becomes:

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 鈭?-1)

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574... * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574..铆
It is possible to get a square root of a number. (In higher studies). The square root of a negative number is called a complex number, it is denoted as i.

The square root of -1 = i

e.g the square root of -43 = 43i

You can read up on this in mathematical books
Only with Complex Numbers can you have a negative SQRT.
yes because all squares of minus numbers are positive numbers...

-1 times -1 is 1.
It really depends on how complicated you want to make things or on how much maths you have done.

The simple answer is no - you cannot take the square root of a negative number as there is no number which when sqared would give a negative number [two negative numbers multiplied together give a positive answer, and two positive numbers multiplied together give a postive answer]

If you do a lot of Mathematics however you will come across Complex Numbers. 'i' is a complex number and is the square root of -1. Using this it is then possible to find the square root of negative numbers.

Lets look at the sqaure root of -43

That would be [root](-1)(43)

Which would be {[root]43}i

Hope that helps
Yup - what number could you square to get a negative?
yes it is true

Love of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?

Why people try Imigration to CanadaLove of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?
yes it is true. the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. everything in our world today requires money, whether it be for a serial killer, rapist, murderer..etc... everybody needs money to survive..but when you want money for everything other than love, marriage compasssion etc...your in trouble. money can make you do strange things.Love of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?
No, it is A root of ALL KINDS of evil. Check the original Greek (well, study). The difference between ';A'; and ';THE'; is obvious, and was interjected by the translators and not part of the original context of the language. THE ROOT would be inconsistent with other scriptures and would therefore be an incorrect translation, because it is obvious there are other forms of evils which do not have money as a root. e.g. sexual immorality. Prostitution is a response to this base evil in order to obtain money - Fornication is the drive, prostitution is the result, money is the goal of the prostitute while personal gratification is the goal of the client. Therefore, selfishness is also a root of evil so money can not be the only root and so the words ';THE ROOT'; is inconsistent.
Ah yes, the lovely mistranslation of the KJV, try the NIV on for size:

I Timothy 6:10

';For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.';

In other words, a lot of evil is done in the pursuit of wealth, who would deny it? I can't possible imagine why anybody would want to move to Canada (or, as I like to call it, America's gay little bother).
i think the key word is ';love'; i do not think money is evil- it is essential. but i do think that love of money is what starts and drives people down a destructive path. obsession with working to get more money, being dishonest to get money, doing illegal things to get money- when your obsession for the status or the possessions in life press you to get your money in these ways- that is what i think is evil. when money is the #1 priority. that is ';love of money'; and yes- i think that is the root of all (well at least a lot) of evil. :)
IN MY OPINION, YES, the LOVE for money IS the root of evil --is it the root of ALL evil,no I don't believe so. Me personally, as long as I have enough to live comfortabely I am happy, (and I'm one of those people who live below the 'poverty level'. I am content with my ';lot in life'; and have no desires to be financially rich. I have heard too many 'horror stories' about people who ';strike it rich';. Almost all say they will do this or that grand thing with there ';new found gain'; but almost all never do what they say and most wind up in a bankrupcy court. You also have those who say ';money won't change me a bit';--guess what--they become the biggest 'snobs' you'd ever want to come across. Me, I'll remain my humble %26amp; poor self. Besides, what I lack in money is made up for a hundred fold with my Lord Jesus Christ by my side. It is no sin to be rich-- just use your 'new found gain' wisely and don't let it change you into a snob. Good Luck. I hope this advice helps you.
The Bible says the lust of money is the root of evil. The money itself is not evil, but the desire to obtain it, sure has caused people to do evil things.
I believe the saying is, Love of money is the root of evil, not *all* evil. And yes, the love of money has been the root of much evil. Don't know what any of that has to do with immigrating to Canada.

It is the PURSUIT of money that is the root of all evil. The love of money isn't good, but the 'saying' says the pursuit of money.

Hope this helps.
Obviously not. Mass or serial murderers or rapists are not after money. Pedophiles are not driven by money. The list goes on.

No clue what this has to do with Canada.
yes, the Love of money is. Think about it, when people get greedy, doesn't more war, violence, and ungodliness occur.
Pfft. Love of money is another Christian spams. I love my money BECAUSE I give homeless people, pay food, and etc... WITH MY LOVE. How people understand and think it's a sin? Pfft. Don't trust Christian God.....
The Bible says that the ';love of money'; is ';the'; or ';a'; root of all evil. You've got to read the Greek New Testament to understand what the apostle Paul means.
Whenever ';all'; is used in a statement, it is rarely true.
bible says so

everyone needs money to live their lives but if the love of money is all you think about or care about you are sinning.
It isn't the root to all evil.

People are immigrating to Canada?!?!?!
now that just doens't make sense
Then the Pope is one EVIL dude.
The people who say that usually have lots of money.

But it's not true.
Who cares, money feeds my evil in that.

The root of all evil.... Is this true?

The abuse and solicitation of religion is the cause, and solution to evil. Believe what you want, just believe in yourself as well.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Evil will exist with or without religion. Otherwise good would not exist either. The concept of one would disappear along with the other and how boring would that be? A moral compass must have a South to know where North is.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Faith in primitive superstition is A root of evil. but not all.

Getting rid of religion would help make the world a much better place but it wont fix everything.

Just ripping up religion is not all we need, seedlings of reason need to be planted also, and their growth encouraged.
money is not the root of all evil. it's what you can buy with money that is the root of all evil.
';Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts...';

(2 Peter 3:3)

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false prophets among you, who shall privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, bring swift destruction upon themselves';. (2 Peter 2:1),
The Love of Money is the root of all evil!
The root of all evil- is ignorance.
i think so
You have a point
Fear is the root of all evil and then it turns to selfishness (or greed).

Desire is the source of all pain!
The Bible says in the following verse what is the cause for all evil. Its not religion.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil.....

Believe the word of God
the love of money is the root of all evil
Religion is the root of all evil.
I think the root to all evil is Pride... Its when people are selfish or think too much about their own wants and needs that people forget to do for others...
Hm.. I think people should try to do good. If religion is their motivation, then so be it.
Egoism is the root of all evil.
Religion is the devil's greatest achievement.
Pride is the number one, it all about people, me me me, Greed, Worrying, Doubt, all the earthly pleasures that this world offers but has no eternal reward. for we need to set up our treasures in heaven, because those are everlasting. We will give it all back to God, because it truly belongs to him.

If Jesus came to this earth just for himself, then we would be in a whole heap of trouble, yet he loved us so much to do the will of the Father and we need that in our hearts and minds today. Amen
isnt money the root of all evil?
Not true. God is the answer to all problems.

Money is the root to all evil
The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.
Historically, the love of money is the root of all evil. This can be interpreted as an overattachment to the material world in any form, which can lead to the abuse you mention. But you must ask, why is someone abusing religion? It is clearly not a ';root'; of anything, but a symptom.
i think the root of all evil is...

As the Bible teaches Jusus only got mad at one group of people ;the bankers, so it must be money.
nope the root of all evil is god he created lucifer and gave us to him
must agree with your logic.

Thank you for sharing this.
I think that Money is the root of all evil. And what you said is the 2nd thing next to the Money issue.
I think I know what you are saying and there is some truth there, but the love of money is the root of all evil.

Is (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?

(square root of x) to the second power is equal to the square root of (x square). This is pactially the same concept of order of opertations just like you can divide and multliply in different order and still get the same result.Is (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?
When you take a square root of a negative value you get an imaginary number because sqr (-1) is equal to the imaginary number i

so then sqr (-16) = 4i

but if you then square this imaginary figure, you will get back to the original figure so sqr (x) times sqr (x) is always equal to x even if x is negative

these imaginary figures can have a real part too for example 4+2i where 4 would be the real part and 2i the imaginary part so you could do these type of calculations :

4+2i squared = 12+16i

and in general :

a+bi times c+di = ac-bd + adi+bci

= ac-bd + (ad+bc)i

playing around with imaginary equations produces great looking fractals. If you want more info about imaginary figures (also known as complex figures) then e-mail me at gamesplayerbowditch@btinternet.comIs (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?

--- Although the simplified equation is x, we should not forget the real equation. In choosing all possible values of x, we look at the original equation and not the simplified ones. Since you can never have negative values inside the squareRoot symbol(unless you want to yield imaginary numbers), x should always be a positive number(zero included), hence {X|X%26gt;=0}
  • curly hair
  • Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?

    Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?
    This somewhat tricky. If you consider sqrt as a function, that is, the function that to each non-negative real number assigns it's positive square root, then the answer is sure yes. Simply because +sqrt(x^2) = x.

    But if you think of sqrt as a relation, that is, as the number whose square is x, then you have 2 values for sqrt(x^2): x itself and also -x. Then, in this case the answer is no, not always.

    But, by convention, when we just have sqrt(x), x%26gt;=0 real, it's understood the positive square root.Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?
    Yes, for all non-negative values of x, sqrt(x^2) = x
    the square root of x to the second power is x. because it is the same as saying x to the power of 2/2. the cube root of x to the power of 3, will be x. any number rooted to the same power as the exponent of the base will leave you with just the base, but if the root number and the exponent are different then that's another story all together, for example, if you have the 7 root of x to the power of 4, it's the same as x to the 4/7 power. in that case, x will be taken to the power of 4, then rooted to the power of seven.

    Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?

    Okay well my five year old fell about a week ago and busted her lip. We thought all was well until her front tooth started to become dark. I took her into her dentist and was told that after looking at the x-rays that her tooth was broken at the root. This is what was causing the discoloration. that being said they informed me that most likely she will need a root canal on her front BABY tooth. When I asked if it could just be pulled I was told no due to nerves. They want to see her again in 2 weeks to take some more x-rays then refer her out to their specialist. I just wanted to know if anyone has gone thru this. I already plan on taking her to another dentist!! thanks a tonDentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
    Baby teeth do not have deep roots, or well, roots at all.. I really wouldn't bother with a root canal, its sorta pointless..Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
    Baby teeth do have roots- once the adult teeth start to come in, they push the other teeth out, dissolving the baby roots.

    I'd listen to the specialist if I were you- their expertise could tell whether it's really necessary. If it causes any problems/pain then it's probably a good idea since a 5 year old has a good few years before the adult teeth come in, but only a professional can tell you for sure.
    I actually lost my top two front teeth when I was 5... so Idk how it'd be worth it to get a root canal on a tooth that might just fall out anyway.

    Call other dentists and see what they think about giving root canals to a 5 year old's baby tooth...
    yeah definately take her to a different dentist that could be the problem on the discoloration too though and some people that young have had it happened and theres not a reason they cant pull it really i dont think but if it is broken to the root and the other dentist says it also then the root canal may be the best thing to help her
    The dentist MAY be right. That happened to a friend of mine and they got her a gold crown on a back baby tooth. There really must be a reason they cannot pull it. I still find it hard to believe though...
    Well your dentist is somewhat confusing I'm a D.A (Dental Assistant) and been working in the feild for a long time. When you get a root canal it means your teeth/tooth has a deep infection inside the root canal and therefore the dr does a root canal to remove the infection and (the infection will cause you pain,) that way the pain can stop due from the infection but since your child has a baby tooth its best if it gets pulled because thats the primary dentition( baby teeth) and also you said its changing colors so that might be another sign theres no point to get a crown if the tooth is going to shed and ur child will get thier adult teeth. and they will shed and she/he will get her permante( adult teeth) plus baby teeth are not as strong and doesnt have a stable root anyway. so i say go to another dentist and have he/she take a look at it.
    that is what happend to me if you want t waste 500 dollers for one go but when i had a gray tooth i fell when i was 5 and it turned gray but my mom told me that when im old i will loose that tooth and then have a new white one. it wont hurt him to have a gray toothe. its all good i never had been made fun of becouse of it i lost that tooth now and now it okay so dont waste the money tell him he looks good like that becouse you should love him no matter what :)

    Anyone know what knot root is, someone told me it could make me shorter, is this true?

    Nothing can make you shorter, apart from radical and painful surgery.Anyone know what knot root is, someone told me it could make me shorter, is this true?
    I think the ';someone'; telling you this is having fun at your expense. Perhaps they are implying that you're a ';knothead'; for believing this? Nothing known to modern science (or even ancient science) can make you shorter. Height, as well as bone structure, etc. are genetically controlled. You are a product of your genes %26amp; heritage. Just learn to stand tall %26amp; stand PROUD, no matter what your height is!

    When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?

    And hide behind a wall of their own deciption. For fear of what others may think if they reveal their true self?When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?
    Wow what a weird outlook on life - you must try not to judge other people by your behavior!!!!!When it comes down to the root of human nature why do people lie about their true evil self?
    well first off we must under stand that we are spirt and flesh are flesh is the enimy of God it hates God when we are born aging we are givin a new spirit like christ but????????? its always at war with are flesh romans chapter 8 paul goes into great detail about this he talkes about the choice of walkin after flesh or after the spirit.
    in a place like this site.

    there are many pharisee..(coldhearted law abider)

    GOD didn't come to judge or condmned the world.

    HE came IN GRACE AND PEACE to all men.

    humility is a fruit of LOVE. 1cor

    many here and nationwide to worldwide.

    are lacking the truth of abide in LOVE

    and the word abide in you

    ask/pray what ye will and it sahll be done.

    john 15 sayd..I am the are the branches..abide in LOVE.truth.spirit

    and ye will bear fruits.

    but..if yet choose to be apart from LOVE


    ye will have no prospoerty;..devil roams about like a lying destroy8ng lion seek to kill us..and send us home..not saving a soul...or robbed we don'g give..$$$ tithes plus spread the gospel aorund the world as well feed the children..elders, disablied in our nation..or elsewhere.

    apart from LOVE

    ye can do nothing.

    folks FEAR judgement..condemnation..shame..ect.

    the more LOVE a person has..

    the less of this vile characteristic of satan or manhood they have.

    surrender to GOD..your flaws..evil thoughts.tendency..ect..

    and the word we read daily..will help PURGE this evinless out of us.

    apart from the daily nightly intake of the WORD..of truth.(new testaments..teacing) the farther we slid away form god..going into darkness where satan roam to steal..hope..kill faith..and destroy our body..and finances and mairriage..ect.
    I don't.

    What is ';deciption';?

    DO you mean ';deception';?

    I do not deceive myself.

    I am not evil. I am a good person.

    It makes me sad that you think all people are basically evil.

    That would be a horrible way to live, assuming everyone is bad.

    You DID say ';evil self.'; You did NOT say ';evil desires.';
    You have it all wrong. The root of human nature is not evil at all.
    I tend to ask why they're afraid to admit that some people are just evil and it isn't the fault of some demon or Satan who's controlling them.

    It's hard to watch people be inhumane and evil, but it's not impossible for them to do such things by their own accord...
    i am evil

    the concept of evil is completely alien to my ecclectic pagan spirituality. there is selfishness, but absolute evil cannot exist. the goal of the spiritual person is to progress beyond selfishness and embrace the fullness of existence. this can't be done in the presence of either absolute evil or absolute goodness.

    the universe strives for equilibrium.
    This is a very difficult question to answer.

    To a certain extent, I don't think many people are truly ';evil.'; To be evil is something even we cannot fathom -- people may do bad things in the eyes of religion, but does that make them evil? No.

    In my opinion, part of it is perception. What one person sees as good could be seen as bad, by another person. It's like food; you might like grapes, but someone else may find them disgusing. It's all in the eyes of the beholder, so to speak.

    Therefore, people may not be lying, nor would they feel they are lying, because if they don't feel evil, they obviously won't present themselves as such.

    However, fear of what others think certainly has an impact on how we live and act. Much of what we do is focused on what others think -- 99% of human life is a result of stereotypes and community expectance.
    To the first Q......Pride is the answer.

    The one at the bottom....I don't know.
    Why does the Bible God lie about his evil intend!

    Job 9:23 (NIV) When a scourge brings sudden death, God mocks the despair of the INNOCENT.

    Job 9:17 (NIV) He* (*God) would crush me with a storm and multiply my wounds FOR NO REASON.

    Proverbs 1:26-28 (NIV) I* (*God) in turn will laugh at your disaster; I WILL MOCK WHEN CALAMITY OVERTAKES YOU - when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. ';Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me.

    Jeremiah 11: 14 ';Do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them, BECAUSE I WILL NOT LISTEN WHEN THEY CALL TO ME IN THE TIME OF THEIR DISTRESS.

    Romans 9:11-15 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad–in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls–she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” What then shall we say? IS GOD UNJUST? NOT AT ALL!* (*Saint Paul says so… because he is telling you!) For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

    Malachi 1:4 (NIV) Edom* (*Esau) may say, ';Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.'; But this is what the LORD Almighty says: ';They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, A PEOPLE ALWAYS UNDER THE WRATH OF THE LORD* (*How would you like to be one of them? No Salvation for you! God doesn’t like you for ever just for the heck of it!)

    Proverbs 16:4 (NIV) The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

    1 Peter 2:8 (NIV) They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.
    It's so much easier to point fingers at the flaws in others than to look inside and see the flaws in ourselves. Very few people ever truly examine their hearts and souls and root out this ugliness within. They compound lie upon lie to themselves, and end up bitter and resentful of others while it is their own inner turmoil that is killing them emotionally.
    Yes, it would help to define at least a little more.

    You appear to be equating ';evil'; with ';true self';, and I am not sure to what extent you are referring, when you say ';reveal';, to be necessary in order to not ';lie'; about it (talk about nothing but one's evil thoughts? Be sure to act on them? Or just admit them, do whatever painful soul-searching %26amp; letting go of selfish desires that necessitates within, %26amp; move on?). I am assuming that when you say ';evil';, you mean the desire to hurt or threaten others, having no inherent regard for their (or perhaps even one's own) well-being should it ever appear to conflict with one's present pleasure, or even *requiring* their hurt for one's pleasure.

    I agree that it is true that this is present in everyone. Furthermore, I know of no long-standing and resilient spiritual traditions that do not acknowledge this fact.

    As for, on a personal level, lying about it vs. revealing it, yes people don't want to reveal desires to hurt others too much, because that has too much potential to backfire on them. Self-preservation comes to mind, not just about what others may think, but what others may do to them that altogether too much doesn't go along with the personal pleasure program. If a person is going to be evil, anyway, why should they stop at the truth, and leave that pivotal and very versatile tool called deception out of their evil toolbox? Not much evil would be possible without it.

    And I think that may be what you are getting at, that the only way to neutralize hurtfulness is to establish a policy of honesty about it. On the other hand, there comes a point when if it becomes too much the ongoing topic, rather than something one simply acknowledges on at least a daily basis and then moves on to cultivating an honest desire to be good to one another, then hurtfulness becomes accepted and multiplies, defeating the original purpose of all that honesty, if that's what it was. And no matter how much you try to be cool about it and acknowledge everybody does it, hurtfulness still degrades and makes all experience less desirable in comparison to genuine helpfulness. Just because so many people are hypocritical about striving for goodness to one another doesn't make it not worth it to try.

    I would rather suffer anything in the service of striving for helpfulness than embrace my evil side and try to make it what I'm all about. That, as well, would be a lie.
    are you calling me evil?

    i am not, for your information

    edi: evil self, evil thought, and evil desire are very different things. maybe if you explained yourself a bit, we would get what you are saying.

    and good and evil are such relative terms. what one considers good, someone else might consider it evil.

    get off your high horse :)

    I can use any function (+,-,*,/, Sqare root or factorial) to make the following sentances true. Help?

    1 1 1 = 6

    2 2 2 = 6 (Is 2+2+2=6)

    3 3 3 = 6

    4 4 4 = 6

    5 5 5 = 6

    6 6 6 = 6 (Is: [(6/6)*6=6])

    7 7 7 = 6

    8 8 8 = 6

    9 9 9 = 6

    Understand?I can use any function (+,-,*,/, Sqare root or factorial) to make the following sentances true. Help?
    (1 + 1 + 1)! = 6

    2 + 2 + 2 = 6

    3 x 3 - 3 = 6

    4 + (4 / V4) = 6 or 4 + 4 - V4 = 6

    5 + (5 / 5) = 6

    6 + 6 - 6 = 6 or (6 x 6) / 6 = 6 etc.

    7 - (7 / 7) = 6

    8 - V(V(8 + 8)) = 6

    9 - (9 / V9) = 6

    and you're forgetting one...

    (0! + 0! + 0!)! = 6I can use any function (+,-,*,/, Sqare root or factorial) to make the following sentances true. Help?







    (cube root8)*(cube root8)+(cube root8)=6

    ahh i understand....but i cant help you...sorry
    I heart myself. I heart you. I heart your mom.
    right now i've got


    (square root of 4)+(square root of 4 x 4)=6

    5+(5/5)=6...ill try to get more
    (1 + 1 + 1)! = 6

    2 + 2 + 2 = 6

    (3 * 3) - 3 = 6

    4 4 4 = 6

    (5 / 5) + 5 = 6

    (6 / 6) * 6 = 6

    7 - (7 / 7) = 6

    8 8 8 = 6

    9 9 9 = 6

    Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??

    Just have a look on this article Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    no wahabi muslims are terroristTablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    I though there's a list of terrorist groups and not all of them are so-called ';Islamic';. Anyways, we are ought to look for a solution for these terrorists.
    NO; that it is not true !
  • curly hair
  • True or false? water and minerals can be absorbed by the root hairs?

    I'll say yes, even though water and minerals use totally different mechanism.True or false? water and minerals can be absorbed by the root hairs?
    Absolutly right water and minerals are absorbed by root with the help of root hairs. which are primary,secondary and tertory in structure.

    True or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?

    the lack of money is the root of all evilTrue or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?
    True. Look at this world. Its full of greedy people out for the almighty dollar. Our goverment taxes us for this and that. Tennessee just recently started the lottery up and its suppose to help schools. Well why is it each year you here them saying they need money. I know in Virginia it doesn't go just for schools. Only in your bigger cities is the schools helped. You pay taxes on property you own, your car is taxed every year.True or False ? Money is the root of all evil and why.?
    False. It is: ';The LOVE of money is the root of all evil'; One word makes a Big difference, doesn't it ?
    . Timothy 6:10 '; For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced them selves through with many sorrows ';. Timothy 6:9 '; But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition ';.
    False, of course. There was evil long before money was invented.

    It is the love of money that is the root of all evil.

    By loving money, you can be rich or poor, it doesn't matter.

    By loving money, you place it above all other things,

    False. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
    What is in the bible is ';the love of money';not money itself.Personally,I think envy is the cause of most suffering
    It appears to be that way in Washington but the bible says the love of it!
    False! Pride is.
    Being a clever Mathematician I should be able to prove this mathematically just a second while I think of a proof:

    Ok here we go:

    1. It is clear that Teletubbies are the product of Time and Money. It took both time and Money to produce them.

    So we have:

    Teletubbies = Time x Money.

    But Time Is Money鈥?/a>

    Time = Money

    So therefore

    Teletubbies = Money x Money.

    But we have according to Jerry Falwell that Teletubbies are evil so

    Teletubbies = Evil so

    Evil = Money x Money

    So Taking the Square Root of both sides we get

    Money = Square Root ( Evil )
    money is what it has always been, even with relation to evil: currency!

    people are the root of all evil, not money, although money is the medium for evil things more often than not
    False! Money is an object it holds no emotion. Greed is the root of all evil.
    Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, is what it says.

    The reason being, some people will kill, cheat, lie, steal, assault, all for money, from the guy on the street, to the stock market businessman in a suit.
    does money using you? no.

    You are using money.

    Why put the blame on money?
    Actually, symbolically speaking, the root of the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil is the 'one' you speak of! Seriously, The answer is false. Pedophiles don't have money on their minds when... That's only one example. is not root of all evil.root of evil is the mind which thinks the wrong way.
    For me the #1 Root of All Evil is when people fail to accept each other for their own personal beliefs and for being different.

    Money is the second Root of All Evil. Too many people focus on thinking that if they have a lot of money, then they will be happy. Sure, its nice to have financial security, but true happiness is when you learn to love and respect yourself, and you can spread that happiness to others in your life.

    The saying came in, because, it is mostly the

    people with money, who can buy power are found

    to engage in evil deed.

    There are handful of people who use their money

    for the benefit of others.

    So there is no clear cut yes or no.
    This is the verse, and it states the 'why':

    1 Timothy 6:10

    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

    If it wasn't for money, where would porn be?And people who are hit men. And people who steal from banks, and people who marry for it?
    Evil is a point of view.
    Money doesn't make a person evil, the person chooses to do that on their own.

    True or False? If y is the root of x, then y is larger.?

    a) True

    b) False

    c) Depends on the values of x and yTrue or False? If y is the root of x, then y is larger.?
    Claim: y = sqrt(x)

    Is y larger?

    Answer: Depends on the value of x and y.

    Example: x = 1/4.

    If x = 1/4, then

    y = sqrt(x) = sqrt(1/4) = 1/2


    y %26gt; x

    Example #2: x = 4.

    Then y = 2, but

    y %26lt; x

    To say (a) would mean the statement is always true.

    To say (b) would mean the statement is always false.

    But the statement is sometimes true and sometimes false.

    Therefore, the answer is (c)True or False? If y is the root of x, then y is larger.?
    Depends if x is greater than or less than 1.
    it depends on the value of x and y

    Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??

    Just have a look on this article Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    His name alone suggests he is a terrorist.Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    I wonder why the group exists in the first place.

    That is the required mindset if you want to find the root cause, as the question states.

    Isn't it true that the New England Patriots are Communist and to root for the Giants is to root for mom &?

    apple pie?Isn't it true that the New England Patriots are Communist and to root for the Giants is to root for mom %26amp;?
    You're just mad because you know New England is going to kill the Giants.

    Go Patriots!Isn't it true that the New England Patriots are Communist and to root for the Giants is to root for mom %26amp;?
    No. Any true American would root for the Pats to make it a clean sweep of the reg season and the playoffs... and to become the most perfect football team of all time.
    Thats like saying the ';49'ers'; are gay because they are from San Francisco. Who knows.
    N O, That is false.
    your silly today
    But I like Lemon pie better than apple.
    I do not know, I do know that my little brother try out for patriots kicker, he very good at footbal and try to learn american footbal
    Why would rooting for the GIANTS be a vote for Mom and apple pie?

    New York is a Hillary state. Its a commie liberal state and that's why I';m proud to be from it..:)

    BTW, I'm rooting for the Patriots.
    Let's just take the Giants, to be on the safe side.wink wink.

    Everybody ready for some foot ball? And, it's not even monday night.
    No. But best to root for the Giants if you like a winner. I pick them by 3.
    Junior??? You changed your name...what are ya tryin' to do confuse me??? LOL

    I am watching the super bowl for the first time. I asked a question about football and got some good insight to the game and I'm rooting for the Patriots all the way...I have no knowledge of their being communistic? Where did you hear that and what difference would that make to the game itself? Would love to hear from you on this since I'm completely ignorant of it. Thanks! Pami ^_^

    IS it TRUE that a WOMANS backside can REALLY become ROOTED to the CHAIR? has been known on occasion....there have been days (and night) when I could hardly leaf it....I should stop being such a sap and move it!IS it TRUE that a WOMANS backside can REALLY become ROOTED to the CHAIR?'re always full of

    Report Abuse

    IS it TRUE that a WOMANS backside can REALLY become ROOTED to the CHAIR?
    and mens too ive seen it happen...
    Is that not the SAME for Men????!!
    Not really rooted; it's more of a suction cup type of thing.
    I guess it's no different then A man and his remote.
    yer sure..same as blokes are rooted to chair with hand rooted to remote..
    you see those fat butts
    LOL! No, I do not think that that is true.

    Yes, I've seen it happen...She and the chair were taken out to the garden and planted,,,by the end of summer they had a whole new couch,,however she was still rooted to it but, now there was room for others, too..
    YES, my ex gf suffered the same fate. She was just stuck to a chair, on the occasions she could be bothered to get out of bed.

    Her mother said she had the cutest bottom as a baby, but not many have ever seen it since so I wouldnt know.
    Yes, with my unique rooting system I am saving the Brazilian Rainforest single-handed ... or should that be double-buttocked?
    Not in my case. I am a very energetic person. I sit at work but I am using my brain all day long.
    If she sits on her ars long enough
    Just because you are in a hissy fit and want to blame all women cos you go out with a lazy cow. Not all woman are lazy you have to work more to find those independent go getter's.

    I love doing stuff and getting out adventure style and love introducing my BF too all things i love doing.

    If i could i would smack you silly so it would give you a clear head, so you would realise why are you going out with some one that you don't have fun with and for thinking all woman are lazy:-)

    Answer to your question NO
    If shes got a really rounded bum then I suppose.
    Only when she's on Yahoo Answers swooning over you!
    I would so slap you right now if I could get out of this chair!!!!
    ha ha ha oh yeah,,
    tis true I am living proof
  • curly hair
  • Is it true that if u rip ur hairs from the root....?

    is it true that if u pluck ur hair from the root, and u see the white tip from ur hair, its never gonna grow back?

    is it gonna grow back or not?Is it true that if u rip ur hairs from the root....?
    well it's true in a way, that hair is never gonna grow back, but there will be another one in it's place.Is it true that if u rip ur hairs from the root....?
    It will grow back. However, if you rip out the same hair over and over again, there's a chance you may damage the follicle to the point that it will stop producing hair. It's a chance.
    It will grow back, it'll just take longer. It's like plucking/waxing your eyebrows; always grows back.
    it grows back but just takes longer because the root has to reform
    It will grow back.
    thats crap it will grow back

    Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?


    Now to argue, humans created religion. But even if we had never created religion, we would still fight wars and condemn other people to death for being different.Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?
    Yes. Although it's overused, Adam and Eve did begin the trend of evil that is now overflowing our world. Because they disobeyed God(their Creator!), they began sin and from there, it just erupted. I don't think anyone can truthfully say that religion is the root cause of all evil, especially since it's only a word for what someone believes in. That word is used far too often in the negative sense and is also used too much in a general way. ';He's so religious';, etc.Isn't it true that humans are the root cause of all evil and not religion?
    ';For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.';

    The love of money is the root of all evil ... greed, coveting others.

    But to get a large number of people doing evil together on a vast scale, religion serves better than anything else ever tried. Nationalism comes a close second, but religion wins.

    Root cause of evil is pride, intolerant and self proclaim righteousness.
    Religion is sometimes used to justify heinous acts.
    The Bible says that ';the love of money'; is the root of all evil.

    Think ';Greed.';
    evil is just a point of view, but humans created religion

    Is it true that the demogogory of ';money'; is the root of all simplistic simpleton cliches?

    If it so EVIL ,why do all religions want you to give yours to them?

    God certainly doesn`t need it .Supposedly he can make anything he wants.Is it true that the demogogory of ';money'; is the root of all simplistic simpleton cliches?
    Better to give than to receive.

    Hey ';True Soldier of cxxx'; knock it off!!! I don't dare associate the name of our LORD with your idiotic ramblingsIs it true that the demogogory of ';money'; is the root of all simplistic simpleton cliches?
    St. Paul the Apostle said '; The ';LOVE'; of money is the root of all kinds of evil';.

    Is that not the cause of all war ,jealousy and covetousness? I think so.
    what's with the Idol??? you filthy idolater!!!
    Only if what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Assuming true evil exists, what is its root?

    Laziness, or a self-centered worship of one's own comfort, if you prefer it put that way.Assuming true evil exists, what is its root?
    I have no idea, but get me some Round Up I will take care of the roots!Assuming true evil exists, what is its root?
    Sin is a transgression of the law of God; disobedience to or violation of the divine commands; moral depravity; iniquity wickedness; unrighteousness; ungodliness.
    The root of all evil is pure selfishness. Whether you believe in a satan that rebelled and became a roaming evil dude or not, the point is it was ***selfishness*** that was the issue.

    Lam 3:37-38 (NIV) Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?

    Job 9:24 (NIV) When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, he blindfolds its judges. If it is not he, then who is it?

    Ezekiel 14:9 (KJV) And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

    Job 42:11 (KJV) Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over ALL THE EVIL that the LORD had brought upon him.
    Human evolution. Selection allowed for aggression.
    I am.

    (takes a bow)
    Satan and the things he has to give us to Miss lead.
    Ah, maybe SATAN !!!!
    For the most part, religion.
    The love of money is the root of all evil, look at history and you'll see this is true.
    Money !!
    The source of true evil is the ability of one person to separate himself so thoroughly from the rest of mankind that he is able to think of himself as a separate species.
    well the bibe says its the love of money ..

    Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,

    God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

    Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

    Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

    Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
    Mommanuke got it right. The reason people are able to think they are better than others is actually natural. When an animal kills another species for food, it is joyous. When people commit hate crimes they also think they are doing good. It is because of some sort of belief, such as racism or antisemitism or anti-gay, which incites hatred. So I say

    HATRED is true evil, and is also a SUB-HUMAN animal instinct!

    Vanity, jealousy, lust and greed from a voluptuous sexy body to lands, mansions and anything that can drive, float or fly.


    Don't Christians believe that their God is the root of everything?

    The root of evil is that which is undesirable. If undesirable things did not exist, there would be no METRIC by which one could determine or measure ';evil';.

    It was pride that caused Satan to Fall
    the LOVE of money ... not money itself, but the love of it (see 1 Timothy 6:10).
    Pride... and greed.

    Is it true if u rip ur hair from the root that...?

    is it true that if u pluck ur hair from the root, and u see the white tip from ur hair, its never gonna grow back?

    is it gonna grow back or not?Is it true if u rip ur hair from the root that...?
    i highly douobt that it will grow back...if you pulled it from the root

    your hair is like a root from a tree

    if you pull your hair from the scalp how will it grow

    if you pull a root from the ground how will it regrow in the soilIs it true if u rip ur hair from the root that...?
    that is completely falseee dont worry your hair grows from follicles inside your skin of your scalp the follicle will never stop producing hair unless it dies, because of cancer or something like that. there are tons of products that will stimulate your hair to grow because it may not come back immediately but its not that it never will... so yes it will grow back

    Is it true that God = the square root of -1?

    I guess you got his imaginary number. LOLIs it true that God = the square root of -1?
    square root of (-1), although not identified value, but it ';does'; exist.


    sqrt(-1) x sqrt(-1) = -1

    and yes, God does exist.Is it true that God = the square root of -1?
    No.Imaginary number are really useful in real life.they have their application in physics, engineering and other science.
  • curly hair
  • True or false -7 <- (sqaure root)38 <-6?

    I'll use * instead of the square root sign.

    The problem is -7 %26lt;- *38 %26lt;-6

    True or false?True or false -7 %26lt;- (sqaure root)38 %26lt;-6?

    becuase you know that the square root of 38 is between 6 and 7, because there squares are 36 and 42True or false -7 %26lt;- (sqaure root)38 %26lt;-6?




    Without the - signs, it would be true.
    -7 squared is 49 and -6 squared is 36 so it would be a reasonable conclusion that the negative square root of 38 would be greater than -7 but less than -6.

    Final answer: True
    True. You can know this by squaring all three numbers, keeping the negative symbols:

    -49 %26lt; -38 %26lt; -36

    Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??

    Just have a look on this article Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    Sounds good to me.Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    america's meddling in foreign countries THAT is the root cause of Terrorism.

    True or false -7 <- (sqaure root)38 <-6?

    I'll use * instead of the square root sign.

    The problem is -7 %26lt;- *38 %26lt;-6

    True or false?True or false -7 %26lt;- (sqaure root)38 %26lt;-6?

    becuase you know that the square root of 38 is between 6 and 7, because there squares are 36 and 42True or false -7 %26lt;- (sqaure root)38 %26lt;-6?




    Without the - signs, it would be true.
    -7 squared is 49 and -6 squared is 36 so it would be a reasonable conclusion that the negative square root of 38 would be greater than -7 but less than -6.

    Final answer: True
    True. You can know this by squaring all three numbers, keeping the negative symbols:

    -49 %26lt; -38 %26lt; -36

    Is it true that the surgical removal of arab womens clitoris is the root of terrorism?

    That the surgical removal of arab womens clitoris as there religon reqiures. Tends to be the root of terrorism of the arab nation. That this women are so sexually fustrated all the time and that they can't have orgasams that they drive there men crazy. maybe if they change this practice terrorism will not be as prevalent.Is it true that the surgical removal of arab womens clitoris is the root of terrorism?
    all women donot have this done.Nothing is ever 100 pct. Your rationale leaves a lot to be desired also.Is it true that the surgical removal of arab womens clitoris is the root of terrorism?
    also the fact that the men don't get circumcised until they are 13 might have something to do with it.... some customs are just whacky...
    then it should be the women who are terrorists not the men...perhaps you have a point here...instead of the arab men fighting us then the arab women ought to beat their asses and remove 'something' of theirs !
    It true in have ever received mail that can prove that!

    surf the net you can have more info and i know it occur in countries like sudan(it still occuring)

    If x-c is a factor of the polynomial f(x) then c is the root of f(x). True or false?

    True. If x-c is a factor of f(x), then, according to the definition of a factor, f(x) = g(x)(x-c), where g(x) is some other polynomial of a degree lesser than f(x).

    If so, put x = c in the equation f(x) = (x-c)g(x)

    On the left side you get f(c). On the right side,

    (c-c)g(c) = 0*g(c) = 0.

    Then, according to the equation, f(c) = 0.

    And that means, according to the definition of a root of a polynomial, c is the root of f(x).

    Hope this helps.If x-c is a factor of the polynomial f(x) then c is the root of f(x). True or false?
    trueIf x-c is a factor of the polynomial f(x) then c is the root of f(x). True or false?
    here are 2 VERY good web sites...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    True or false: f(x)= x^3 - 2 times the square root of X is not a polynomial?

    True, because polynomials involve only exponential values that are whole numbers (I say whole because you can have zero but it just means 1).

    The square root of a number is like the number to the exponent 1/2.

    This equation would in the end be:

    x^(3/2) - (2 * the square root of x)

    It is NOT a polynomial
  • curly hair
  • When is the nth root of( negetive X raised to the nth power) = x true?

    HELPPPWhen is the nth root of( negetive X raised to the nth power) = x true?
    it's true when 'x' is even otherwise it's 'ix' where i = nth root of (-1).

    This is to do with complex numbersWhen is the nth root of( negetive X raised to the nth power) = x true?
    when n is even

    Root vegtables can cause health problems . Is it true ?

    Key is MODERATION.Root vegtables can cause health problems . Is it true ?
    Beets are marvelously cleansing. If you eat a lot of them, you could have a ';cleansing crisis';, where so much junk is loosened up that your body has some difficulty coping with it all. Turnips and rutabagas are rather strong. Basically root veg. are pretty good food. If you make a dramatic change in diet it may take your body a bit to acclimate. (adjust to a great change in fiber, for example). I don't think I would try a diet of only root crops. What did you hear, specifically?Root vegtables can cause health problems . Is it true ?
    Any thing done to an excess can cause problems regardless of how good it is for you.

    Some sure they can. I have a book in the other room that describes the benefits and negatives on many roots. Knowing which root you would like to know about I could look it up for you....
    Potato's can cause kidney stones.

    My 12 year old just passed one.It was horrible.

    She eats french Frye's and potato chips all the time.

    True or false? water and minerals can be absorbed by the root hairs?

    True!True or false? water and minerals can be absorbed by the root hairs?
    yes by osmosis and active transport

    Is it true the word Picnic was rooted in prejudice ie'; Pick a ***___';?

    A Little known Black History Fact. This information can also be

    found in the African American Archives at the Smithsonian Institute.

    Although not taught in American learning institutions and literature, it is

    noted in most Black history professional circles and literature, that

    the origin of the term ';picnic'; derives from the acts of lynching

    African -Americans.



    %26gt; The word ';picnic'; is rooted from the whole theme of ';Pick A

    ******.'; This is where individuals would ';pic'; a Black person to lynch

    and make this into a family gathering.



    %26gt; There would be music and a ';picnic'; (';Nic';) being the white

    acronym for ';******.';) Scenes of this was depicted in the movie

    ';Rosewood'; We should choose to use the word ';Barbecue';, or instead of the word ';picnic';.Is it true the word Picnic was rooted in prejudice ie'; Pick a ***___';?
    OMG its a word 99.9 % of the people today who use the word picnic meaning a nice little blanket on the ground in the park with some food. You know this I know this are we gonna analyze every word in the english dictionary? If thats what it was used for back then who care its not used that way now and thats all the matters. You are actually putting that meaning to the word by not using it.Is it true the word Picnic was rooted in prejudice ie'; Pick a ***___';?
    Thanks c w. Sounds like someone is trying to incite and promote racism. I don't understand why there's so much hate aimed at whites. Good luck. 2D
    This is true and I learned from my U.S. History teacher last year. It is sad but that is the truth.
    didn't know that but it is not at all suprising.

    Tablighi Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??

    Just have a look on this article Jamat is the root cause of Terrorism; is that true??
    These jammats have nothing to do with terrorism.

    Is it true that latin in the root of all other languages?

    Not all, it's the root of Romance languages (i.e. French, Portugeuse, Spanish, Italian, etc.). Latin is not the root of Germanic languages, Asiatic languages, languages of the Americas, or African languages.Is it true that latin in the root of all other languages?
    No that is not accurate. Latin is the root for most European languages French, Spanish, English, Italian etc. Greek has also infused these languages to a large degree as well as the original Celt, and Iberian languages.Is it true that latin in the root of all other languages?
    Not all, it's the root of Romance languages (i.e. French, Portugeuse, Spanish, Italian, etc.). Latin is not the root of Germanic languages, Asiatic languages,is languages of the Americas, or African languages.

    needed to correct Joy Mor sumtin. this is coming from a girl with so many backgrounds it's crazy.
    Actually, no. Greek is also considered one of the root langages.
    Only the root of romance languages and it heavily influences English.

    However, there are other ';base'; languages. Sanskrit is the base for Hindi, etc..
    No, not at all. There are thousands of languages in the world and no language is the root of all other languages.

    Latin is, however, the root of the romance languages, as many others have said, and it has had an impact on many other languages that are not romance languages as well.
    for some languages, greek is also one
    Nope, it's Indo-European.
    No it is not, but still it is one of the best languages to learn to give you a basic grammar and syntax for most other European languages, which are all more structured than English.
  • curly hair
  • In flash, I came across the code ';if (_root.cue/:rot == true)';. What does ';/:'; mean?

    In actionscript as well as other programming languages the ';/' signifies division. In this case it is probably a typo... the combination of ';?:'; is conditional logic meaning ';if/else';.

    If you notice the ';/'; key is also the ';?'; on the keyboard.

    I did a root canal in 1998. now in 2008 the tooth hurts,is it true that it can develop cancer?

    what should i do with my tooth coz it shows whenever am talking idont want to remove it , ican look uglyI did a root canal in 1998. now in 2008 the tooth hurts,is it true that it can develop cancer?
    I would go to the dentist and have them take a look at it. They may be able to fix it. If you are in pain your tooth could have an infection so I would go to the dentist... An infection can get in your blood stream.. and the results of that are not good!!!I did a root canal in 1998. now in 2008 the tooth hurts,is it true that it can develop cancer?
    That's a ludicrous assumption. It's just it needs more work - it was ten years ago! go to the dentist.
    Sometimes, they don't get the complete root. That could be the problem. See a dentist!

    POLL: True or False? If the square root of any number is divided by the sum of any two numbers that....?

    have been subtracted by each other, you get

    someone who likes cows?POLL: True or False? If the square root of any number is divided by the sum of any two numbers that....?

    please don't ask that kind of questions. :)

    i can't think.

    and my brain hurts!

    please stop!POLL: True or False? If the square root of any number is divided by the sum of any two numbers that....?
    then that would be equal to 10 times the percentage of the worlds population divided by the mass of the Atlantic ocean plus the number of trees in our backyard minus the number of your hair.


    i think i got it

    * brain freeze*
    E) There is not enough information to answer the question
    nothing ...because a sq root cannot to subtracted with a whole no like 3,4,5 ...
    or someone who likes nerd conventions....
    You get numbers.
    Umm, false...
    That hurted my brain
    I think you get the cow directly
    Einstein! I think you're correct!
    Yeah!! I completely agree with interesting!

    I know my maths :]
    yea untill u said cows
    what?.. what's with the cow? cow are cute..

    Alright ladies and gentlemen: do you think the following to be true at the root of it?

    Dr.Laura's book, '; The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands'; come to three conclusions about men.

    1) Let the man be your hero, and stroke our ego when we are.

    2) Feed me well. While take out ok from time to time, cooking a good meal at home goes a long way to showing love.

    3) Sex. Give me plenty. Because if I'm being satisfied at home I'm not out looking elsewhere.

    FOR MEN: So do you think men can be boiled down to these three basic things?

    FOR WOMEN: Do you think it could be that easy?

    So you know, I believe she is right on the money.Alright ladies and gentlemen: do you think the following to be true at the root of it?
    um, I'm a guy, and I think I can QUITE agree with that.Alright ladies and gentlemen: do you think the following to be true at the root of it?
    i hope it's not that easy. I'm a horrible cook. lol jk.

    I'm very independent, and i hate being saved so to speak. so yeah i believe Dr. Laura needs to look at so real people that aren't from the 40's when she writes her next book
    if thats all men need to be happy in a relationship then i feel sorry for all you guys out there. theres gotta be more than that. it seems like men are pets with no proper functioning brain thats capable of thinking and making good sound decisions.

    DOI: If this clip is true will anyone else be rooting for Michael Underwood?鈥?/a>

    I thought he was lovely the year he did and felt gutted for him when he broke his ankle :-(DOI: If this clip is true will anyone else be rooting for Michael Underwood?
    Yeah I really liked Michael.....he could have gone far in the competition :] I do hope he comes back this year! Not sure about Ray Quinn in it though if it's true.......don't really like him lol :]DOI: If this clip is true will anyone else be rooting for Michael Underwood?鈥?/a>

    I'll have Raef - you can have Michael !
    Loved him last year, I was gutted when he had to stop (brave boy, I'd not chance it again) hope he does well.

    Chloe fecking Madeley..............celeb my @rse. I know they often scrape the bottom of the z-lister barrell but that's just taking the p!ss
    Aww, Michael was great that year, he could have went far..

    With Ray Quinn on that list it definately shows they are scraping the barrel - ex-RTV stars..

    I would laugh if he comes 2nd in this one too - classic
    Well I certainly wouldn't be unhappy to see him invited back for a second go Gart - One of my faves last year !
    Yes I felt for him last time so figers crossed he will be ok this time will have a weakness but it should be ok.
    I will, I wanted him to win last time
    I might root for Todd Carty.

    Is it true that Democrat has the same root word (dem) as Demagogue?

    my history teacher said they were the same thingIs it true that Democrat has the same root word (dem) as Demagogue?
    Your history teacher is a lying sack of ignorant sh*t.

    Yes, ';dem'; is from ';demos'; meaning ';the common people'; -- democrats believe that ultimate power should reside in the people; and they pursue policies that make life better for the common people, rather than only making life better for the extremely wealthy.

    Demagogues are people who appeal to irrationality, prejudice, unwaranted fear, and hate in the common people. The words are NOT the same.

    Your hisotry teacher (assuming you aren't lying) should be fired for being a demagogue, and teaching lies.Is it true that Democrat has the same root word (dem) as Demagogue?
    Demos = People.

    The meanings are completely different.

    Electricity and elections are not the same either.

    Do me a favor though. When you go back to class... tell you teacher that you posted this ';fact'; on the internet and it made you look like you were receiving a biased and substandard education.

    Maybe your teacher will be a little more thoughtful about injecting their prejudices into your education.
    It not sure of your etymology, but the core principles of the words are the same.
    My history teacher once told me that the GOP was farther right than the Nazis and the Democratic Party was in the center.
    i don't think so, dems were the first conservatives, ironically they switch with the GOP before Kennedy
    it has more letters in common with democracy.
    Now there's a stretch for ya.
    No, shouldn't this be in words and wordplay?
  • curly hair
  • Root canal and filling gives lot of pain its true?

    Hi, I am Dr. Amit Goswami from Delhi dental center. R.C.T. is not at all painfull these days, see even if we have to give an injection in the procedure we will spray an anesthetic on that tooth so that it will get numb and when we inject you will not have any pain sensation at that area. dentistry has changed a lot in the past few years, new techniques have come up etc. Kindly go through this link of my website so that you will be able to see what exactly we do in that.鈥?/a>

    Kindly send us a mail if you have any further queries.Root canal and filling gives lot of pain its true?
    No, i think it wont pain, an year before i gone through root canal treatment for my tooth , Dr put some injection on both side of my tooth, i think its some kind of local anesthesia, so i think we wont get any pain. and... for filling they didn't give any local anesthesia to me but i didn't feel any pain... while cleaning the tooth with the drill it may feel ticklish, that's all, no pain.Root canal and filling gives lot of pain its true?
    I have had both procedures and during them did not not have any pain at all. You will receive medication prior to either procedure so there should not be any pain.One one occasion after a root canal I had pain due to an infection.
    Yes, a root canal will be painful after the local wears off. Doctors usually prescribe hydrocodone for several days.
    it takes more anesthesia to remove an infected pulp than extract a tooth

    coz,,,,dental pulp has rich nerve supply than surrounding structures

    pain while filling is due 2 exposed nerve ending during cutting the tooth wit burs
    Just the cracking of the skull because the whole skull cracks as one piece, usually you get tons of drugs by the time they drill anything.
    on the first day, canal opening is done with LA %26amp; from the next appointment onward you dont even require LA and there will be no pain..

    you should not feel scared for RCT.
    no. I had a root canal and it didn't really hurt at all but i did get like three shots of Novocaine and then the gel.
    no! not true.

    root canal and filling do not hurt at all! you dont feel it!

    a tooth in need to root canal however HURTS ALOT!

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    True or false: the Fakers have the biggest bandwagon and Fakers fans only root for Kobe?

    i only root for Kobe and i don't even care about the Lakers.True or false: the Fakers have the biggest bandwagon and Fakers fans only root for Kobe?
    True on both of those my friend. They lose Kobe they got nothing!

    to all the haters ive been watching the celtics forever. i hated it when we lost but i never lost faith or hope in my team...EVER. i was thrilled when we got KG and Allen. if those two left sure id be upset but i still love the celts no matter what.True or false: the Fakers have the biggest bandwagon and Fakers fans only root for Kobe?
    THe Celtics have the biggest bandwagon



    Admit it, if KG or Allen wasn't even on the Celtics you wouldn't even be here right now.
    Celtics have the biggest bandwagon fans.

    You have to be delusional or have never been out of Boston to not realize this.

    And I am not even a Lakers fan.
    True for the first part; false for the second. I see some fans like ';Nickster'; root for the lakers. Also they like impersonating other accounts.
    true or false,,,are you done jerking off to boston,,or true or false are you a little absessed with kobe ,, i think true for both
    ';MVP...MVP...MVP'; - Boston fans chanting for Kobe last year!
    True or false...these questions asked over and over again about the Lakers/Kobe/Pierce are SUPER annoying and people should get over it?

    False and False The Celtics have the biggest bandwagoners
    you're the biggest loser of them all!
    FALSE, FALSE! Where were u CELTIC bandwagoners last year? U r the bandwagoners.
    True, who else would they root for?
    The Rockets own your team Boston got nothing on the Rockets
  • curly hair
  • True or false?: ';Peace and Happiness are rooted neither in the marketplace nor the woods, but within';

    True: you can't buy or grow it, it just comes from within oneself.True or false?: ';Peace and Happiness are rooted neither in the marketplace nor the woods, but within';
    True. Wherever one goes, his unpeacful mind will go with him. So wherever he is, in life or physically situated, he should be introspective, taking the focus off the external and into meditation on the Lord within his heart. Whatever problems plague one in this world, we shouldn't make grand endeavors to fix them. More problems will surely come along to distract us from pursuance of our spiritual path.. Better we equip ourself with spiritual stregth by which we can tolerate all setbacks. Begin it now, not after resolving a problem.True or false?: ';Peace and Happiness are rooted neither in the marketplace nor the woods, but within';
    They are the *root* of all but so is the desire to experience oneself to the fullest, so thus you have all this. Do not deny the other but instead embrace, know the other to the fullest, this is bliss, this is the rocket ship to enlightenment, this is Tantra, the weaving back together the fabric of reality, *love is all there is*. : )
    I think that there are many ways to be happy. The happiness you speak of is one kind, but other people can find happiness in the woods, or even the marketplace.
    I think the first answerer got to it.

    Everything external is conditional and temporary, you will never find a lasting happiness through it.
    One and the only Truth, my friend! True peace and happiness is a-causal, can not be related to people, situations and events.
    true for happiness, a larger jump and realization is necessary for the statement to be true for peace.
    Peace is within and happiness is within

    Alas, why do you seek another body for pleasure.
    A resounding ';True';.
    Very True. Millions of rupees will not bring the happiness that only a contented mind is capable of.
    Within the Creative Word of God.

    You attain nowhere without the divine guidance.

    True, to me..peace and happiness are cultivated from within..
    True,but one has to experience that.
    True; because peace and happiness come from us.
    within what?

    Do you agree that if you root for a college team for only one sport, you're not a true fan?

    Example: People love North Carolina and Duke for basketball, but I never hear them talking about how they like their football teams?

    Don't you agree with this?

    GO USC!! GO OHIO STATE!! GO AKRON!!Do you agree that if you root for a college team for only one sport, you're not a true fan?
    I agree sort of. If they root for say UNC or Duke in basketball and then root for lets say Florida in football, then no they aren't real fans. If they still root for the UNC or Duke football teams but just don't talk about it because their teams suck, then they're still true fans.Do you agree that if you root for a college team for only one sport, you're not a true fan?
    i disagree, they still like them but they just dont talk about them as much, for instance i love nc bball, but there fball team sucks, if i see them win i still like it, but then like i like usc for football but there bball team is about average, i want them to do still do good but u just dont get the chance to talk about it like there dominate sport
    You can be a true fan of the sport but not necessarily for the college.
    I do not agree
    No I do not agree, How many of the Swimming competitions have you been to or watched for your fav school. (or badmiton, cross country, or any of the other dozens of sports that field a team)

    The thing that bugs me the most is those that are rabid fans of a school that they have never even seen the campus let alone actually went to a class.
    Duke football fans are SOL. I like Duke basketball, U. of Maine Bears hockey and Alabama football-that's just how it is. There's no logic to being a sports fan.

    True or False? Root(log x) = log(x^1/2)?

    is the square root of logx the same as log(x^1/2) ?

    I know that log(root x) is the same as x log ^1/2, but I am not so sure if the root is over the log.True or False? Root(log x) = log(x^1/2)?
    let x = 10



    not equal

    True/false: Poverty is the root of ALL evil?

    Is my statement true or false?

    Think about it now...True/false: Poverty is the root of ALL evil?
    I've thought about it.

    I can't say that's true although if you're poor you obviously can't afford to buy things so I could see how some would resort to robbing banks, shoplifting, bashing old ladies for their purses, killing for drugs etc....

    I don't know why I answered, lol I wasn't very helpful.True/false: Poverty is the root of ALL evil?
    The hands of good and evil stretch back further through the pages of time far before the concepts of rich and poor ever existed. Poverty does not make a person evil it is the characteristics of a man that makes him what he is. In every-ones life they are presented with situations, situations in which they must make decisions on the out come of their lives. These decisions build each persons character, who he is, what he wants to be and what he will become, the direction in which these decisions take that person be it good or evil souly depend on his choices.

    so i say no poverty is not the root of all evil for as well as there are good rich and poor people there are also evil poor and rich people.

    What you mean (or we as society) by ';evil? What is evil now and here is good elsewhere and sometime.


    Povetry is definitelly not the root for ALL evil.

    I dont see ANY relationship in fact ...
    Rubbish. It has little or no connection. Define ';poverty'; and define ';evil';
    A discrepancy of wealth/social inequality causes conflict and other problems which you might refer as evil.

    Hope this helps

    Keep thinking :)
    Poverty isn't evil. Evil exists only in the ';ego'; mind. The poor will always be amoung us ( Bible scripture). Poverty relates to some degree to lower levels of consciousness awareness.
    I think so. I say because most rich people now who were in ';poverty'; ended up becoming rich. So now they are evil. they forget about when they were poor.
    False. Christ owned nothing, actually nothing, was he evil?
    no evil is the root of all poverty if anything

    btw religion is the route of all evil
    no because im a good person and if i was rich i would give to people

    who wasnt so well off,money can do good things too it depends on the person it can go either way
    evil is the root of all poverty
    depends on how you look at it.

    opinions cant be true or false.

    I was told when I was little if you pull out a hair and the root comes out, it will never grow back. True?

    If not, how does it grow back? (maybe what I need is just a good explanation of hair growth) :)I was told when I was little if you pull out a hair and the root comes out, it will never grow back. True?
    I wish! Getting my brows and whowho waxed it not a walk in the park.I was told when I was little if you pull out a hair and the root comes out, it will never grow back. True?
    No, it will grow back. It was probably your parents trying to get you to keep from pulling on your hair. Hair is grows from the follicle, try Wikipedia.
    if that were true, then when i pluck my eye brows or wax my legs my hair should never grow back, but unfortunaly it does. hair grows from a folicle and it grows from dead skin cells that your body turns into hair. the only way to stop it from growing is laser surgery because it kills the follicles.

    What did Kierkegaard mean by, ';Far from idleness being the root of all evil, it is rather the only true good';?

    We love rest, and vehemently hate motion, to the point that we do not make even a single movement if not to find rest. The only thing that will make us move is if we feel a lack of something. The state of rest, and complete fulfillment is exactly what we all strive for in every moment and this is realized in reaching the goal of our creation.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
  • curly hair
  • I'm a true Packer fan ';BUT'; the Bucs are my secondary team. Is it wrong to root for more than 1 team?

    Love Brett Favre. Don't care how stupid you all think he is. I'm a true Packer fan ';BUT'; the Bucs are my secondary team. Is it wrong to root for more than 1 team?
    You can do whatever you want. They only think he is stupid because he didn't come to play for their teams. Bet the Tampa Bay fans don't think he is stupid.I'm a true Packer fan ';BUT'; the Bucs are my secondary team. Is it wrong to root for more than 1 team?
    love brett favre, hes one of the only exciting players to watch in the nfl, just the emotions he brings to the game on every play is what every true athlete should be like.

    its not wrong for you to root for 2 teams. i root for many teams, but my top team are the boys, so even if i like the opposing teams, i always go for my primary team. if theyre out of hte playoffs, then yea i root for other teams. nothing wrong with that, youre just a fan of the sport.
    Don't listen to Yahoo Sucks, he is clearly an idiot. I mean, it's one thing to say the Eagles suck, but to say Kobe is better than MJ....he obviously is a few fries short of a happy meal, what I like to call mentally retarded.

    But being a diehard Eagles fan, let me tell you that I don't have a secondary team (other than whoever is playing dallas). But I think it's perfectly fine to root for Brett Favre when he plays for his new team.
    of course not! I am (and this is like an oxymoron i know) a Raiders and a Broncos fan, because my dad taught me to be a raider and my mom was always a bronco.

    Oh- and I don't hate Favre. I just wish the whole thing was over with by now, and all was settled.
    dont listen to yahoo sucks. It is perfeectly fine. I love the Dallas Cowboys. But I also like the Kansas City Chiefs. Dont worry about it. But it would be bad, if you liked 2 rival teams. THEN you would be a bandwagoner.
    Who cares. the Pacers are a football team not a basketball team vote for both. Have a favorite b-ball team and a favorite football team.
    Wrong section. It's fine to like two teams. It's your preference.
    Having two favorite teams isnt bad I like the colts and the stealers!

    Is it true some people in England with Irish roots are foretting their heritage,?

    Example Wayne Rooney, No one ever mentios him being Irish ancestry or anything, and all seem to say he is English, has passion of English, typical English mentaliity, and proud to be English playing for England, ok yes he is born in England and his ancesters came from Ireland years years ago, but i belive Irish shud still have some sense of indenity of being Irish, and not forgettign ur roots, i mean lots of Irish people talk about being u can never compare Irish to English, Irish will never be proud of being English, but u dont u agree their r loads of people with Irish ancestry who dnt seem to know they have Irish origins etc.Is it true some people in England with Irish roots are foretting their heritage,?
    Why did you give the example of Rooney? Why do you think HE has forgotten his heritage? You just gave the example of the English Media calling him English (which he is). Perhaps Mr. Rooney is quite proud of his Irish heritage...but also knows that he's English.Is it true some people in England with Irish roots are foretting their heritage,?
    why are you always asking the same questions???? It's getting very boring, are you just stupid and not understanding the answers that people give you.

    Who cares what people in England are doing. I sure as hell dont. And whats your obsession with this, was your great great great great great great great great great grandaddy from ireland
    Does it matter?

    Obviously it does to to you!

    I have some Irish blood in me, but call myself English. I was raised in England, and am proud of my country. My daughters constantly brag that they are more Scottish than English due to my other heritage being Manx, and Jewish plus a little Scottish. My wife is 100% Scottish, and never lets me forget it!

    I don't wear hats of convenience if I'm visiting potential personal heritage sites - why should !?
    even Irish people forget their heritage, so I don't think it's a big a deal as you think it is, I am Irish, my mum, dad, and both sets of Grandparents were Irish, as were their grandparents, but My Surname (Phillips) is a Welsh name, so does that make me welsh?? I wouldn't think so, if your name is Johnson does that make you danish or swedish? heritage is how much you wish to be associated with your ancestry, I consider myself 100% Irish and I have looked down on Americans in the past who have a granny who had a dog called guinness and claimed to be Irish...but who cares really?? the most important thing is to respect where you come from and where someone else comes from, If Rooney wanted to Play for Ireland, he would have been very welcome, but when plastic paddy players who claim to be Irish because they can't get a game for another country want to play for us then that is what makes me sick, people like Kevin Nolan, Franck Quedrue etc. so I applaud rooney for being English and loving being English
    eh yeah whatever irish people would never ever EVER forget there roots

    I dye my hair every time my roots are 1';long or so, about every 9 - 10 weeks. Is it true that it can cause me

    I dye my hair using dyes from the store. I only dye my hair every 9 to 10 weeks. I was told that I will go bald if I continue to do this. Is that true?I dye my hair every time my roots are 1';long or so, about every 9 - 10 weeks. Is it true that it can cause me
    ive been dying my hair for over 10 years, and my mom has been for over 20 i think. and both of us have REALLY thick hair, always have, and I'm sure we always will. Just as long as you're not bleaching it all the time, you should be fine!I dye my hair every time my roots are 1';long or so, about every 9 - 10 weeks. Is it true that it can cause me
    I used to bleach my hair between the ages of 18-20, and I melted it together a few times before finally leaving it to the professionals.

    I've now been bald for eleven months, because what I had left looked like Bozo the Clown. I'll admit my dyeing days were back in the Bush I administration, but I imagine it had something to do with it. be very careful.
    ok, so don't let that chick scare you when she said her brother is going bald from dying his hair... HE IS A MAN... MEN GO BALD BY GENETICS... so that is not a good example.


    check with whoever cuts your hair to use a less harmful dye, but seriously.... if you are constantly growing new hair... and constantly getting it cut... then why would you go bald??? is the dye going to stop your hair from growing or something? whoever told you that was a moron.
    Hi sweetie! No, it is not true! Hair color even permanent hair color covers the hairstrand. Hair bleach or hair lighteners damage hair. They make it weak. Permanents or straighteners hurt the hair more than color. If you are using a color --blacks, browns, reds or blondes there is no problems. Funky colors sometimes contain metals and they can damage hair. Most permanent hair colors make the hair feel thicker and volumized. I've colored mine blonde from a medium brown for 35 years through being a lifeguard, having 4 kids, (it's not true that haircolor hurts the fetus) working in salons and now some gray hairs. I can't wait to do mine--I've used all kinds from salon color to the cheapest store brand and never had a problem. I do my roots every month and it looks beautiful. You are doing everything correctly so don't worry! Highlights and streaks are bleaching so a little more damaging so a salon is a better bet. Wish you luck!
    no but u have a higher chance of getting cancer. well, i dye my hair, too but i personally don't really care!
    the only way you would go bald is if, you are not using the dye correctly and/or perming your hair and/or you leave the dye on too long...otherwise, your hair will not fall off if you just dye your roots...ur not the first nor the last person to actually dye ur roots all the time...I'm a hair stylist, I should know...
    yes %26amp; not only that. when the product you are using contain too many harmful chemicals it can cause cancer too. dye your hair at least 6 months after.
    no i do my'n much sooner then that and have been for many years, make sure that deep condition your hair a couple of days before you color, and always after you color. keep your scalp clean and massage it while you wash. your hair once it leaves your scalp is dead, so what you put in your body and how clean your hair follicles are is more important than what you put on it.
    no i dont see this happening. what kind of colour are you using on it? Hair should only fall out if you are overprocessing the product you are using, make sure u always follow manufactures instructions when dealing with chemicals.

    not sure if u do this but when u are colouring your roots remember to colour the roots let develop, u should take colour thru ur ends for the last 5 to 10 mins of ur developing time this helps to prevent colour buildup in the hair. u should only take a colour straight thru if it has faded drastically or u r changing ur colour, also remember that colour on colour goes darker so if u eventually wanna go lighter then what you r now u r gonna need to visit a salon.
    Well your hair could break off short. And you could have really dry hair. My brother dyed his hair dark brown one time and kept dying it and dying it for like 3 years and hairs kept breaking off. And when he tried to grow it out it would grow. It would stay the same leangth throught the whole year. So he went to my hair stylist and he had a look at it. And it turned out that he had died his hair so much that the hair got really weak and so he had to let the dye grow out. And as it was growing his hair kept breaking off and it was really short. When he first dyed his hair it was really nice and had that perfect shaggy look to it and it was about chin leangth but when this whole thing was over he had a shaved head b/c it got so thin and weak and kept breaking cause it was so dry and damaged. So then he had to grow it back out to his chin. He will never even touch a hair dye again after those horrible two years of hair loss. It was sad.... I feel bad for him...
    I dont think that you will go bald, but your hair will start to look very dead. Your hair will be brittle and the color won't be as bright or shiny. You should lay off the dying, or just use the root touch up system from Nice'N'Easy. It's just not a good idea to dye your hair that much.
    yup it is tru. my oldest brother used to dye his hair different colors and paid extra for the ones that dont harm your hair, and hes going bald before hes 25. you should think about that one.
    You will not go bald from coloring your hair with store bought color. However it can get dry,be over colored, or start breaking if it gets colored over %26amp; over again. When coloring your hair try doing just the out growth first and the last few minutes pull it through. This ensures that what wasn't colored before ( the roots) gets colored and what's faded (mid strand %26amp; ends) gets refreshed. This ensures that when you color your hair it stays healthy %26amp; nothing gets dry brittle or over colored. Hope that helped

    True or False: Some odd powered functions have no real roots.?

    thanks! :)True or False: Some odd powered functions have no real roots.?

    Think about this. Recall that an equation with real coefficients (this is actually true if you are talking about complex coefficients) will have an even number of complex roots.

    Let's say that there is a function with odd-degree such that there are no real roots. If that is the case, then it will have an odd number of complex roots. But since a complex solution must also have it's conjugate as a solution when it comes to real coefficients, there MUST be an even number of solutions. Thus, a contradiction.

    I hope this helps!

    Is it true that ';the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh the deeper the roots';?

    Im asking this because of an incedent at my school and i found this quote kinda cool....what do you think.;鈥?/a>Is it true that ';the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh the deeper the roots';?
    That's an old, very old racist saying that is supposed to be a compliment to black women but only serves to support racial stereotypes about their sexual allure. Move past it--evolve.Is it true that ';the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh the deeper the roots';?
    I think its a pretty sweet quote. What the heck was that dude on about lol?

    Report Abuse

    Is it true, you can beat an egg, but your cant beet root?

    Yeah but will be up for a salt.Is it true, you can beat an egg, but your cant beet root?
    haha true....!
  • curly hair
  • Is it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?

    If this is so, what do the religions have in common?

    What are the main diferences?Is it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?
    peace leighsp,

    i am a muslim so i will present the islamic perspective.

    judaism, christianity and islam are called abrahamic religions because they all recognize abraham as a patriarch of religion. the qur'an informs us


    Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah.

    all three religions command faith in one god. the jews rejected the mission of messiah jesus (peace be upon him), while the christians elevated him to the stature of god after his death.

    muslims believe in all the prophets and the scripture revealed to them. muslims believe that muhammad (peace be upon him) was the final messenger of god and that the qur'an revealed to him is the last book of guidance for mankind.

    hope that helpsIs it true that the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their roots in the Old Testament ?
    Yes. The Old testament represents the first and most basic writing for all three religions. Judaism considers it to still be the main religious writing handed down by God, though they have some slight differences in the books included. Christians believe in it as a basis that was superceded by the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus. Islam considers both the new and old testament to be valid scriptures handed down by God, but that their interpretation was corrupted by mankind over time, and the Quran was sent down as a final word. All three religions believe in the same God, and have far more in common than they have different.
    'old testament' = mistranslation OF translation OF Tanakh

    Tanakh = Jewish bible

    Judaism is the only religion that adheres to the Tanakh, and the only religion in which people translate it accurately from the original Hebrew. The Christian OT is FULL of errors and mistranslations, and the material is organised differently as well, thus altering the context.

    Judaism was the first organised faith to be monotheistic; in this respect, we can say that Christianity and Islam did derive from it.

    But Christianity as we know it today is profoundly different from Judaism. Islam still has some similarities.

    - This is not to imply that any faith is better or worse, they are just DIFFERENT :)
    Not the OT but the Torah.

    The jewish follow the Torrah.

    The X'ians follow a translated and slanted version of the OT, plus the gospels of Jesus's disciples.

    The Mormons follow, the OT, NT and a further expansion known as the book of Mormon.

    The Islamic follow the Qu'ran, which is the torrah mixed with the NT, poetry, and new phiosophic teachings.

    did I help?
    Yes, all follow the Abrahamic God.

    Judaism = Old Testament

    Christianity = New + Old Testament

    Islam = Quaran, but it has some kind of connection with the other two I don't know much about it
    You ever play the telephone game as a kid?

    Yea, that's what's happening here.