Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are the rumors true of hitler being a jew or having jewish roots?

......Are the rumors true of hitler being a jew or having jewish roots?
yes. They say he was a baseball player as wellAre the rumors true of hitler being a jew or having jewish roots?
Not at all; this is something that has been researched and disproven.鈥?/a>

discusses thoughts on Hitler's grandfather being Jewish and therefore Hitler's trying to hide it, but research proves this to be false. What IS more likely, though, is that since Hitler's grandmother's maiden name was Schickelgruber, research shows that there is considerable evidence that this family produced abnormal progeny. Examples are: one of Hitler's relatives through his mother's side committed suicide in 1920, another, Aloisha (Hitler's father) had been placed in an insane asylum, another was ';feeble-minded,'; and yet another was retarded.
Ya they had a show on the History Channel about this very subject and it was pretty much shown he did have Jewish ancestry.
yeah his mother was Jewish and a prostitute.
Why would any rumor be true? True things are things known.
you bet.he was really one sick individual.
I've heard them too..

im not sure but he was gay.....

like for reals

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