Friday, February 12, 2010

The root of all evil.... Is this true?

The abuse and solicitation of religion is the cause, and solution to evil. Believe what you want, just believe in yourself as well.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Evil will exist with or without religion. Otherwise good would not exist either. The concept of one would disappear along with the other and how boring would that be? A moral compass must have a South to know where North is.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Faith in primitive superstition is A root of evil. but not all.

Getting rid of religion would help make the world a much better place but it wont fix everything.

Just ripping up religion is not all we need, seedlings of reason need to be planted also, and their growth encouraged.
money is not the root of all evil. it's what you can buy with money that is the root of all evil.
';Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts...';

(2 Peter 3:3)

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false prophets among you, who shall privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, bring swift destruction upon themselves';. (2 Peter 2:1),
The Love of Money is the root of all evil!
The root of all evil- is ignorance.
i think so
You have a point
Fear is the root of all evil and then it turns to selfishness (or greed).

Desire is the source of all pain!
The Bible says in the following verse what is the cause for all evil. Its not religion.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil.....

Believe the word of God
the love of money is the root of all evil
Religion is the root of all evil.
I think the root to all evil is Pride... Its when people are selfish or think too much about their own wants and needs that people forget to do for others...
Hm.. I think people should try to do good. If religion is their motivation, then so be it.
Egoism is the root of all evil.
Religion is the devil's greatest achievement.
Pride is the number one, it all about people, me me me, Greed, Worrying, Doubt, all the earthly pleasures that this world offers but has no eternal reward. for we need to set up our treasures in heaven, because those are everlasting. We will give it all back to God, because it truly belongs to him.

If Jesus came to this earth just for himself, then we would be in a whole heap of trouble, yet he loved us so much to do the will of the Father and we need that in our hearts and minds today. Amen
isnt money the root of all evil?
Not true. God is the answer to all problems.

Money is the root to all evil
The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.
Historically, the love of money is the root of all evil. This can be interpreted as an overattachment to the material world in any form, which can lead to the abuse you mention. But you must ask, why is someone abusing religion? It is clearly not a ';root'; of anything, but a symptom.
i think the root of all evil is...

As the Bible teaches Jusus only got mad at one group of people ;the bankers, so it must be money.
nope the root of all evil is god he created lucifer and gave us to him
must agree with your logic.

Thank you for sharing this.
I think that Money is the root of all evil. And what you said is the 2nd thing next to the Money issue.
I think I know what you are saying and there is some truth there, but the love of money is the root of all evil.

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