Friday, February 12, 2010

TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?


Check with the Pythagorean theorem:

6虏 + 4虏 = (鈭?2)虏TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?
You're blocked, ingrate. Mine was right and mine was first.

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TRUE OR FALSE: A triangle with side lengths 6, 4, and the square root of 52 is a right triangle.?
One way to find out is to use the Cosine law.

Since in a right triangle, the 90 degree angle is the largest of the 3, we expect the side with length sqrt(52) to be the one opposite to the 90 degree angle.

Cosine Law:

a虏 = b虏 + c虏 - 2bc Cos(A)

A = angle opposite side a

Let a = 鈭?2; b = 6, c = 4

If Cos(A) = 0, then A = 90

Cos(A) = (a虏 - b虏 - c虏)/(-2bc)

Cos(A) = (52 - 36 - 16)/(-2(6)(4))

Cos(A) = (52 - 52)/(-42) = 0

Therefore A = 90 and thus making this a right triangle! %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

The law of cosines generalizes the Pythagorean theorem, which holds only in right triangles: if the angle A is a right angle (of measure 90掳 or PI/2 radians), then cos(PI/2) = 0, and thus the law of cosines reduces to the Pythagorean theorem.

It satisfies the pythagorean theorem, which only right triangles can do: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 (36 + 16 = 52)


base^2 +perpendicular^2=hypotenuse^2

here 6x6+4x4=36+16=52

sqrt of 52 is the length of hyp
6^2 + 4^2 = 36 + 16 = 52 = square of the 3rd side

so the triangle is a right-angled triangle
fasle: 6 squared plus 4 squared is not equal to 52(square root of 52 squared)
36+ 16 = 52

52 = 52


a^2 + b^2 = c^2

6^2 + 4^2 = (sqr root 52)^2
um... true?

Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

Actually there is a whole branch of mathematics (called complex mathematics) that is based on the roots of minus numbers.

The square root of -1 is taken to be i and the rest follows. Thus the square root of -43 would be 6.56i etc.

If you want to learn more about complex numbers look at:鈥?/a>

Although complex numbers may be hard to understand as a physical quantity they have a wide range of applications (eg in a/c electricity).Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?

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Is it true to say that we cannot get she square-root of a minus number? Ya know, like -43.?
u can get the square root of a negative number. teh square root of -1 is the imaginary number i. imaginary numbers are as real as 1, 2,3 etc
In real life, square root of negative number makes no sense (has no meaning). For example, you cannot have a square with a negative area.

But anyway, we can get a square-root of a negative number. It is defined in complex number set, that square root of -1 is an imaginary unit i. And therefore square root of -43 is approx. 卤6.56*i
actually we call square root from A some positive number whic gives in result A if we multiply it on itself. but theres more definition for square root. if we r talkin about complex numbers then yeah every complex number has 2 square roots but they r coplex numbers too. in case of -43 its roots are equal to each other and its sqrt(43)*i

i can tell u how we get square root form copmlex numbers but im a bit lazy :D
it would be a complex number.

sqrt(-1) = i

sqrt(-43) = sqrt(43) * i
You can use complex numbers. Take 鈭?-43) for example.

By definition: 铆 is called iota.

铆 = 鈭?-1)

So -43 becomes:

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 鈭?-1)

鈭?-43) = 鈭?43) * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574... * 铆

鈭?-43) = 卤 6鈭?574..铆
It is possible to get a square root of a number. (In higher studies). The square root of a negative number is called a complex number, it is denoted as i.

The square root of -1 = i

e.g the square root of -43 = 43i

You can read up on this in mathematical books
Only with Complex Numbers can you have a negative SQRT.
yes because all squares of minus numbers are positive numbers...

-1 times -1 is 1.
It really depends on how complicated you want to make things or on how much maths you have done.

The simple answer is no - you cannot take the square root of a negative number as there is no number which when sqared would give a negative number [two negative numbers multiplied together give a positive answer, and two positive numbers multiplied together give a postive answer]

If you do a lot of Mathematics however you will come across Complex Numbers. 'i' is a complex number and is the square root of -1. Using this it is then possible to find the square root of negative numbers.

Lets look at the sqaure root of -43

That would be [root](-1)(43)

Which would be {[root]43}i

Hope that helps
Yup - what number could you square to get a negative?
yes it is true

Love of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?

Why people try Imigration to CanadaLove of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?
yes it is true. the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. everything in our world today requires money, whether it be for a serial killer, rapist, murderer..etc... everybody needs money to survive..but when you want money for everything other than love, marriage compasssion etc...your in trouble. money can make you do strange things.Love of money is the root of all evil. Is that true?
No, it is A root of ALL KINDS of evil. Check the original Greek (well, study). The difference between ';A'; and ';THE'; is obvious, and was interjected by the translators and not part of the original context of the language. THE ROOT would be inconsistent with other scriptures and would therefore be an incorrect translation, because it is obvious there are other forms of evils which do not have money as a root. e.g. sexual immorality. Prostitution is a response to this base evil in order to obtain money - Fornication is the drive, prostitution is the result, money is the goal of the prostitute while personal gratification is the goal of the client. Therefore, selfishness is also a root of evil so money can not be the only root and so the words ';THE ROOT'; is inconsistent.
Ah yes, the lovely mistranslation of the KJV, try the NIV on for size:

I Timothy 6:10

';For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.';

In other words, a lot of evil is done in the pursuit of wealth, who would deny it? I can't possible imagine why anybody would want to move to Canada (or, as I like to call it, America's gay little bother).
i think the key word is ';love'; i do not think money is evil- it is essential. but i do think that love of money is what starts and drives people down a destructive path. obsession with working to get more money, being dishonest to get money, doing illegal things to get money- when your obsession for the status or the possessions in life press you to get your money in these ways- that is what i think is evil. when money is the #1 priority. that is ';love of money'; and yes- i think that is the root of all (well at least a lot) of evil. :)
IN MY OPINION, YES, the LOVE for money IS the root of evil --is it the root of ALL evil,no I don't believe so. Me personally, as long as I have enough to live comfortabely I am happy, (and I'm one of those people who live below the 'poverty level'. I am content with my ';lot in life'; and have no desires to be financially rich. I have heard too many 'horror stories' about people who ';strike it rich';. Almost all say they will do this or that grand thing with there ';new found gain'; but almost all never do what they say and most wind up in a bankrupcy court. You also have those who say ';money won't change me a bit';--guess what--they become the biggest 'snobs' you'd ever want to come across. Me, I'll remain my humble %26amp; poor self. Besides, what I lack in money is made up for a hundred fold with my Lord Jesus Christ by my side. It is no sin to be rich-- just use your 'new found gain' wisely and don't let it change you into a snob. Good Luck. I hope this advice helps you.
The Bible says the lust of money is the root of evil. The money itself is not evil, but the desire to obtain it, sure has caused people to do evil things.
I believe the saying is, Love of money is the root of evil, not *all* evil. And yes, the love of money has been the root of much evil. Don't know what any of that has to do with immigrating to Canada.

It is the PURSUIT of money that is the root of all evil. The love of money isn't good, but the 'saying' says the pursuit of money.

Hope this helps.
Obviously not. Mass or serial murderers or rapists are not after money. Pedophiles are not driven by money. The list goes on.

No clue what this has to do with Canada.
yes, the Love of money is. Think about it, when people get greedy, doesn't more war, violence, and ungodliness occur.
Pfft. Love of money is another Christian spams. I love my money BECAUSE I give homeless people, pay food, and etc... WITH MY LOVE. How people understand and think it's a sin? Pfft. Don't trust Christian God.....
The Bible says that the ';love of money'; is ';the'; or ';a'; root of all evil. You've got to read the Greek New Testament to understand what the apostle Paul means.
Whenever ';all'; is used in a statement, it is rarely true.
bible says so

everyone needs money to live their lives but if the love of money is all you think about or care about you are sinning.
It isn't the root to all evil.

People are immigrating to Canada?!?!?!
now that just doens't make sense
Then the Pope is one EVIL dude.
The people who say that usually have lots of money.

But it's not true.
Who cares, money feeds my evil in that.

The root of all evil.... Is this true?

The abuse and solicitation of religion is the cause, and solution to evil. Believe what you want, just believe in yourself as well.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Evil will exist with or without religion. Otherwise good would not exist either. The concept of one would disappear along with the other and how boring would that be? A moral compass must have a South to know where North is.The root of all evil.... Is this true?
Faith in primitive superstition is A root of evil. but not all.

Getting rid of religion would help make the world a much better place but it wont fix everything.

Just ripping up religion is not all we need, seedlings of reason need to be planted also, and their growth encouraged.
money is not the root of all evil. it's what you can buy with money that is the root of all evil.
';Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts...';

(2 Peter 3:3)

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false prophets among you, who shall privately bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, bring swift destruction upon themselves';. (2 Peter 2:1),
The Love of Money is the root of all evil!
The root of all evil- is ignorance.
i think so
You have a point
Fear is the root of all evil and then it turns to selfishness (or greed).

Desire is the source of all pain!
The Bible says in the following verse what is the cause for all evil. Its not religion.

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil.....

Believe the word of God
the love of money is the root of all evil
Religion is the root of all evil.
I think the root to all evil is Pride... Its when people are selfish or think too much about their own wants and needs that people forget to do for others...
Hm.. I think people should try to do good. If religion is their motivation, then so be it.
Egoism is the root of all evil.
Religion is the devil's greatest achievement.
Pride is the number one, it all about people, me me me, Greed, Worrying, Doubt, all the earthly pleasures that this world offers but has no eternal reward. for we need to set up our treasures in heaven, because those are everlasting. We will give it all back to God, because it truly belongs to him.

If Jesus came to this earth just for himself, then we would be in a whole heap of trouble, yet he loved us so much to do the will of the Father and we need that in our hearts and minds today. Amen
isnt money the root of all evil?
Not true. God is the answer to all problems.

Money is the root to all evil
The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.
Historically, the love of money is the root of all evil. This can be interpreted as an overattachment to the material world in any form, which can lead to the abuse you mention. But you must ask, why is someone abusing religion? It is clearly not a ';root'; of anything, but a symptom.
i think the root of all evil is...

As the Bible teaches Jusus only got mad at one group of people ;the bankers, so it must be money.
nope the root of all evil is god he created lucifer and gave us to him
must agree with your logic.

Thank you for sharing this.
I think that Money is the root of all evil. And what you said is the 2nd thing next to the Money issue.
I think I know what you are saying and there is some truth there, but the love of money is the root of all evil.

Is (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?

(square root of x) to the second power is equal to the square root of (x square). This is pactially the same concept of order of opertations just like you can divide and multliply in different order and still get the same result.Is (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?
When you take a square root of a negative value you get an imaginary number because sqr (-1) is equal to the imaginary number i

so then sqr (-16) = 4i

but if you then square this imaginary figure, you will get back to the original figure so sqr (x) times sqr (x) is always equal to x even if x is negative

these imaginary figures can have a real part too for example 4+2i where 4 would be the real part and 2i the imaginary part so you could do these type of calculations :

4+2i squared = 12+16i

and in general :

a+bi times c+di = ac-bd + adi+bci

= ac-bd + (ad+bc)i

playing around with imaginary equations produces great looking fractals. If you want more info about imaginary figures (also known as complex figures) then e-mail me at gamesplayerbowditch@btinternet.comIs (square root of x) to the second power = x an identity (true for all non negative values of x and why?

--- Although the simplified equation is x, we should not forget the real equation. In choosing all possible values of x, we look at the original equation and not the simplified ones. Since you can never have negative values inside the squareRoot symbol(unless you want to yield imaginary numbers), x should always be a positive number(zero included), hence {X|X%26gt;=0}
  • curly hair
  • Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?

    Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?
    This somewhat tricky. If you consider sqrt as a function, that is, the function that to each non-negative real number assigns it's positive square root, then the answer is sure yes. Simply because +sqrt(x^2) = x.

    But if you think of sqrt as a relation, that is, as the number whose square is x, then you have 2 values for sqrt(x^2): x itself and also -x. Then, in this case the answer is no, not always.

    But, by convention, when we just have sqrt(x), x%26gt;=0 real, it's understood the positive square root.Is in ( square root x 2 exponent) = x an identity (true for all nonnegative values of x)?
    Yes, for all non-negative values of x, sqrt(x^2) = x
    the square root of x to the second power is x. because it is the same as saying x to the power of 2/2. the cube root of x to the power of 3, will be x. any number rooted to the same power as the exponent of the base will leave you with just the base, but if the root number and the exponent are different then that's another story all together, for example, if you have the 7 root of x to the power of 4, it's the same as x to the 4/7 power. in that case, x will be taken to the power of 4, then rooted to the power of seven.

    Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?

    Okay well my five year old fell about a week ago and busted her lip. We thought all was well until her front tooth started to become dark. I took her into her dentist and was told that after looking at the x-rays that her tooth was broken at the root. This is what was causing the discoloration. that being said they informed me that most likely she will need a root canal on her front BABY tooth. When I asked if it could just be pulled I was told no due to nerves. They want to see her again in 2 weeks to take some more x-rays then refer her out to their specialist. I just wanted to know if anyone has gone thru this. I already plan on taking her to another dentist!! thanks a tonDentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
    Baby teeth do not have deep roots, or well, roots at all.. I really wouldn't bother with a root canal, its sorta pointless..Dentist said my 5 year old needs a root canal. could this be true?? Please help?
    Baby teeth do have roots- once the adult teeth start to come in, they push the other teeth out, dissolving the baby roots.

    I'd listen to the specialist if I were you- their expertise could tell whether it's really necessary. If it causes any problems/pain then it's probably a good idea since a 5 year old has a good few years before the adult teeth come in, but only a professional can tell you for sure.
    I actually lost my top two front teeth when I was 5... so Idk how it'd be worth it to get a root canal on a tooth that might just fall out anyway.

    Call other dentists and see what they think about giving root canals to a 5 year old's baby tooth...
    yeah definately take her to a different dentist that could be the problem on the discoloration too though and some people that young have had it happened and theres not a reason they cant pull it really i dont think but if it is broken to the root and the other dentist says it also then the root canal may be the best thing to help her
    The dentist MAY be right. That happened to a friend of mine and they got her a gold crown on a back baby tooth. There really must be a reason they cannot pull it. I still find it hard to believe though...
    Well your dentist is somewhat confusing I'm a D.A (Dental Assistant) and been working in the feild for a long time. When you get a root canal it means your teeth/tooth has a deep infection inside the root canal and therefore the dr does a root canal to remove the infection and (the infection will cause you pain,) that way the pain can stop due from the infection but since your child has a baby tooth its best if it gets pulled because thats the primary dentition( baby teeth) and also you said its changing colors so that might be another sign theres no point to get a crown if the tooth is going to shed and ur child will get thier adult teeth. and they will shed and she/he will get her permante( adult teeth) plus baby teeth are not as strong and doesnt have a stable root anyway. so i say go to another dentist and have he/she take a look at it.
    that is what happend to me if you want t waste 500 dollers for one go but when i had a gray tooth i fell when i was 5 and it turned gray but my mom told me that when im old i will loose that tooth and then have a new white one. it wont hurt him to have a gray toothe. its all good i never had been made fun of becouse of it i lost that tooth now and now it okay so dont waste the money tell him he looks good like that becouse you should love him no matter what :)